Monday, February 06, 2012

President Santorum has Big Plans for Your Vaginae

So does the Republican Supreme Court.

So does the Republican Congress.

So does your local, Conservative school board.

Here is a snip of Blue Gal's post today on why the culture war has stopped being something you can opt out of anymore:
None of us can be neutral in the culture war over Planned Parenthood.

What we are confronting here is that defending Planned Parenthood on the "nice pink" issue of breast cancer screening DOES MEAN defending Planned Parenthood on the not-so-pink issues of contraception and yes, abortion. There is a direct link between the Catholic Bishop freak out on health insurance to cover contraception and the Komen brouhaha. It's women. And it's women in a very "Wake Up White Women!" way.

We priveleged white women with educations and laptops and smart phones and wide access to the twitter streams of our congressmen, can't be neutral or even silent.

We can't say "I would never have an abortion but don't want to restrict access for anyone else" and stand aside while state legislatures around the country restrict access for everyone else.
I cannot adequately describe how sanity-preserving it is be married to such a smart and savvy woman, especially in these parlous times :-)

Go read the rest here.


Anonymous said...

Driftglass, you couldn't be more correct about Blue Gal being "a smart and savvy woman."

Anonymous said...


My partner was raised very poor in rural Oklahoma, and was raised Jehovah's Witness. To be honest, the first half of his life was really unpleasant. While I do care about him, it is immensely frustrating that I live with someone who does not understand basic science (he's a creationist), and thinks it's best people don't concern themselves with politics.

GO HUG BLUE GAL RIGHT NOW!!! Hug her tight, give her a kiss, and tell her she's something special in your life. GO, NOW, GO GO GO!


driftglass said...

I have the smartest commenters :-)

chrome agnomen said...

they are all above average...