Sunday, January 08, 2012

Bouphonia Reminds All Randites

to "Protect the Queen!".

Of course the author does not get around to property rebuking us Manichean zealots until Update II:

This robotic devotion of literally brainless shills to falsehood and viciousness not merely as political tactics, but as supreme ends in themselves, is the litmus test that distinguishes the Obama era's ever-dwindling authentic humanity from hyperpartisan personality cultists.
Or cleverly unearthing our real motivations until Update IV:
...manifestly the mere delusions of situational ethicists who literally wallow in the entrails of the foreign babies they murdered by proxy for the greater glory of the assassins who slaughtered these innocents in their name? All one can hope is that if these cultist shills can't bring themselves to agree with me when circumstances ineluctably demand it, they can at least be honest about their motivations.

Still, as I sit here full of remorseful shameliness at my wallowy Manicheanism, my suddenly resurgent conscience ineluctably demands that I salute the effort :-)


Roket said...

He kinda sorta had me until I got to this part: "...because Ron Paul is no racist, as evidenced by the fact that he can't be a racist because he isn't one, period." Without the proper "Neener, neener, neener" added to the end, he promptly lost my attention. So there's that.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Did I miss something? Who the heck is Bouphonia?

blackdaug said...

That was great! Almost Swiftian....a new shortcut to be added.
What have we come to in this country when those running for office are held to the unconscionable standards of defending "words that they said", "writings appearing above their signatures" or "signs painted on rocks outside their hunting lodges" or "answers they gave in interviews last week"?
Of course, as we all know, the blame lies with Obama...

Kathy said...

He must tear through a new Thesaurus every week.

"I'm rubber
You're Glue-"


"I'm a latex polymeric substance,
You're an adhesive!"

Curse you, Bill Buckley!

Tom Allen said...

Of course those running for office should be held to the unconscionable standards of defending "words that they said":

like closing Guantanamo Bay;
like never using signing statements;
like ending the use of military commissions.

You know, all those things most liberals were against under Bush, but defend (or ignore) under Obama.

I get it though. There is a club (the Democratic Party.) And I am not in it.

Hope you guys enjoy the club. I hear the Socialists are having a Party down the street. Everyone's invited. And unlike you all, they still stand for something.

Xecky Gilchrist said...

He must tear through a new Thesaurus every week.

And yet has no idea what "literally" means.

Anonymous said...

"Hope you guys enjoy the club. I hear the Socialists are having a Party down the street. Everyone's invited. And unlike you all, they still stand for something."

Then why don't you go there you insufferable ass...?

amber ladeira said...


Excellent, artistically wrought polemic as usual. A large vocabulary
is only to be despised when employed
to obfuscate/obviate the really pressing issues of injustice. Ayn
Rand's "objectivism"? Just a term
attempting to veil her arrant subjectivism....the greed that made this country "great".

I have found flaws among the Communists, Socialists, Republicans and Democrats. It all redounds to humanity, its tribal penchants, self interest,etc.
ad nauseum.

Best Regards,
Best Wishes,
Amber Ladeira

Tom Allen said...

"Then why don't you go there you insufferable ass...?"

I already have. But then, I post under my own name, not anonymously; I admit to being an insufferable ass; and I'm right. :-P

Tom Factor said...

That noted Socialist Bernie Sanders was one of 99 Senators that voted AGAINST funding the shutdown of Gitmo (after President Obama issued the directive to close it on day one).

But yeah, the senate and house that refused to provide funding to adhere to the POTUS' directive deserve no blame at all.

Anonymous said...

@ Tom Factor...
I wish I there were some thumbs ups around here. Thank You.