Saturday, December 10, 2011

We Want Newt! We Want Newt!

The clip is from the 1964 science fiction classic, "Seven Days in May" about an attempted government coup by elements of the United States military (screenplay by Rod Serling, and it may be preceded by an advertisement.) I ran across it while looking for the Fredric March speech from that movie about what happens to us when we let fear govern us.

Absent any record of doing anything for our country other than making it all the poorer and coarser for his having been lived in it, this is pretty much what a 2012 Gingrich presidential campaign would look like.

I's sure he and Vice Presidential nominee Bill Kristol

will put on quite a show.

These sociopaths are always with us. Always circling. Always hungry. Waiting impatiently for the moment when we are stupid or hateful or frightened or forgetful enough to let them near real power.

Birchers, start your engines!


StonyPillow said...

Where have you gone, General Warren Abraham Black? A nation turns its bloodshot eyes to you. Woo, woo, woo.

Anonymous said...

A great movie, and one of my dads favs. (An old b-24, b-47 pilot who actually knew Lemay, Tibits and many other Dr. Strangelove types)
My favorite line is when Lancaster and Douglas meet at the end and Lancaster asks Douglas if he knew who Judas was, and Douglas replies something like: Yes, he was a man I respected until he dishonored the uniform he wore.
Its odd that that kind of movie could have been made then, those dangers seemed so clear...and now the vast sheeple sway back and forth between a group of fairly openly brown shirted goons.

Wayne Dickson said...

Stuck me that you identified 7 Days as science fiction.

In many ways the takeover (by a combination of military and industry, more blended than discrete) is occurring right now. Difference? Subtle, insidious, hidden rather than sudden and dramatic.

Re torture and unprovoked attack, contemporary Republican speech writers seem to plagiarizing the lines spoken there by Walter Matthau.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

The current crop of Repukes would cheer as hard for the coup plotters and first-strikers as they did for the idea of letting an uninsured man die in a ditch.

tony said...

Wasn't this film based on the Prescott Bush attempted facist coup?

I think it was meant to be a true story...