Sunday, December 11, 2011

Occupy My Comment Section


Commenter Anonymous states the following:

You know, I've been waiting a long time, and looking for it....

And basically, what we hear from you about Occupy Wall Street, driftglass, is:


Well, I did hear you say once on a podcast, "the folks know what I think about OWS". You then went on to say that David Fucking Brooks has no words for it, and then you trailed off yourself with no words, saying essentially nothing about it....

Or once, when you compared it to The Masque of the Red Death, where the 1% are the dancers (and the 99%, presumably, the plague...)

Now I can't remember every single thing you've written (though I've read most of it) or said (I still have a few podcasts in the queue)[OK, a little from the and-October podcast which I just got around to...], but you have to admit you've been pretty silent on the subject, for all your posts and pods. Reading between the lines, though, I'd say you didn't think the tactic was very effective, or was in some way "incorrect" (perhaps in bad taste?)

Now well before OWS, you did express that opinion quite explicitly. To wit, in the comments section:

of "Only Nixon can go to Nixonland":

(on July 26, 2011, 2 1/2 months before Occypy Wall St.)

I said...

We need a Tax the Rich rally.

[I bet] we could get a million people....

and you, driftglass said...

Yeah dude. Because that would totally blow
their fucking minds! In 1967! But see, I
live in 2011....

Now I never did get the apology I requested for the belittling tone of your remarks, but that's ok, really.No, I'm not living in the 60s, but I did learn a hell of a lot in the 60s. (It's almost worth gettin' old to have had that.... ;-) And you know what? -- We've been Takin' Shit for Being Right Since Before You Were Born, kiddo.

Seriously, don't think you owe it to your readers, your listeners and your precious 1% of donors (I happen to be all 3) to at least Have The Conversation? I mean, to let us know what you really think about OWS? And to keep an open mind, perhaps be willing to change it in the face of evidence, even to admit that you might have been wrong? I mean not just in a general, palinesque, "oh, I'm wrong all the time" kind of way, as you are wont to do, but about this specific thing: the effectiveness of OWS.

Now I could agree, e.g., that it's difficult to see the exact path from grass-roots protest to effective politics and legislation (although I think efforts like the OCUPIED amendment to end corporate campaign bribery are on the right track <- the most important single issue, imo) But I believe that just seeing the conversation change on the corporate media makes OWS one of the most effective things that's happened in decades. It can cause change in many difficult-to-predict ways (as the vietnam protests did.) So, how about it? Can we have the conversation? (Perhaps a few column-inches stolen from telling us how bad Bobo is over and over and over...?) (Still love y'all, in case it doesn't show. Best holiday wishes.)

OK, in no particular order.

The OWS movement only began hitting its stride in late-September. Of this year.

Lacking the resources of a major news network or a minor radio station or even an average aggregation blog, the amount of time my single-shingle outfit can allot to any issue is very limited. I have averaged 1-2 posts a day, every day, for almost seven years, and one podcast a week for the last two years. I read a lot, and I don't set empty "Rock On" or "Open Thread" tables. I write about what interests me or amuses me, and what I believe is critically important but un-reported elsewhere.

The OWS is not going un-reported and does not lack for attention: it is now being covered from virtually every angle imaginable by every major media outlet from NPR to Fox News to Comedy Central. Based on the aggregate about of time allotted to it each day, MSNBC has all but given OWS it's own show. Which is a fine thing, but underscores the point that it doesn't need my help to "start a conversation" any more than anyone needs my help to start a conversation about climate change or Plan B (Full disclosure: if I had a lot more time and a little more income, I'd be writing about manufacturing, labor and education much more often.)

All that being said, the idea that I have been cricket-y on the subject of OWS is objectively ridiculous. Here are some example which cover the arc from my early leeriness of the idea of an amorphous movement with no identifiable objectives, to my growing admiration to what they have been able to accomplish.
Professional Left Episode 96 is entitled: #OWS - The Glitch in the Matrix (42:54) -- Why the corporate media can't explain Occupy Wall Street and We are the 99 Percent...

Professional Left Episode 97: The Republican Party = the real extremist anti-American radicals (52:36) -- Why the media has no language for #OWS...

Professional Left Episode 98 is entitled: Occupy the Boardroom? What about Occupy the Newsroom? (45:30)

Professional Left Bonus Edition -- driftglass Interviewed on KOPN-FM 89.5 Columbia MO (55:15)

Professional Left Episode 99 [Percenter] is entitled: Can the Revolution Be Advertised? (35:45) -- We discuss the anti-commercialism of #OWS and how in some cases it’s unwarranted.

Professional Left Episode 102 is entitled: #OWS and OMG (48:14) -- We...discuss why #OWS is #winning, duh.

Various posts on the subject are available here, here and here

The Professional Left's appearance on "The Matthew Filipowicz Show" in which we talk about OWS here.

I have also done various OWS graphics which scattered here and there, but I got bored making this point, so look 'em up yourself it interests you.

Lastly, while I am sorry about hurting Anon's feelings, I still think a free-standing march or rally -- whether for Tax Fairness or Sanity -- where the participants come, make speeches, display signs and go home is indeed a quaint throwback to a different era. I have come to this conclusion by watching the Mainstream Media marginalize and ignore such marches and rallies by the Left, of every size and description, over and over again for years. They just fucking refuse to cover it, and continuing to pretending otherwise is fighting the current war using last war's tactics, which I am positive I dwelt on at some length in yet another podcast.

The Occupation movement, OTOH, accomplishes exactly the opposite effect: participants planted their flag right in the global media's solar plexus and then refused to leave, which has had many salutary effects including making people like Mr. Brooks serially crap themselves in print.

Which is a point that I recall Rachel Maddow making (can't find the exact clip, but any of her stuff on the subject is fun to watch)

and which I have also mentioned. So, to repeat:
Rally/march = Arrive, say your piece, leave. Media ignores you if your positions are to the Left of George Will.

Occupation = Set up camp in the heart of the media and financial capital of the world and refuse to leave. Media cannot ignore you.
Still, I have never promised readers that I am anything other than low and perverse, so have at me!

PS. The Mouse Circus was a wasteland of GOP spin and odd hair confections today. If I have the time and I'll transcribe my tear-stained notes once the laundry is done, the homework is done, another chunk of your terrific emails are read, the groceries are procured and secured, meals are prepped and the litter boxes are all shipshape and Bristol-fashion.

Yours in Christ,



paul said...

"Shipshape and Bristol fashion"

I haven't heard that since I was a kid--from my British parents!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wasn't really aware that the OWS movement had reached that critical mass where pundits and or random observers are singled our for not being strident enough in their support. I hope that guy was not really representative of the movement itself. I would hate to be so flailed for "only" sending a few pizzas...

StonyPillow said...

We are indeed the few. The proud.

"...the commonest haunters are for the most part, the leaudest persons in the land, apt for pilferie, periurie, forgerie, or any regories, the very scum, rascallitie, and baggage of the people, thieves cutpurses, shifters, cousoners; briefly an uncleane generation, and spaune of vipers...for a blogge is like a sinke in town; whereunto all the filth doth runne: or a byle in the body, that draweth all the humours into it."

Taketh not thy groundlings too seriously, good Drifte Glasse. We are all like unto fleas, close companions yet poor company.

Site Administrator said...

Nice blog.

Tom Allen said...

"...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Some commenters have to egg on the bloggers who egg on the columnists who egg on media who egg on the government. I have plenty of eggs, many of which end up on my own face. You're welcome to the rest of my supply.... :-P

Anonymous said...

Well, ok, splitting hairs: 'occupy' vs. 'march'... what I actually said was 'rally', which could apply to either. (Ok, I said 'march' later in the original post...)

The best word for what I meant was perhaps 'movement'. I was responding to your (well-taken, and commonly held) point in the original Nixonland post that, whereas the teabaggers were manufactured by fux news and funded by the rich, there was popular groundswell that might be reaching critical mass for a true grassroots movement, with such numbers that it couldn't be ignored in the mainstream for long. There were similarities to the march on Washington and to the vietnam protests, which I'd seen first-hand. Prople were getting sick of the rich stealing everything, controlling government with campaign dollars, and wrecking the middle class.

I'm sure we're not that far apart, really. My intention is not to flame hardworking bloggers. As originally, I was just pointing out that if there are enough people out there with genuine 'who-feels-it-knows-it-lord', they can actually make their voice heard above the noise, and make a difference.

jzimardo said...

Occupy this comment! I demand/wouldreallylovetoseeitagain a reposting of the Jaws Movie Photoshop art of what's his name...I saved it but cannot find it anywhere.*Pretty Pleeeease* I did try to find it here also but no luck.