Thursday, November 10, 2011

This Was

The Lightening*


is merely the latest peal of lunatic, pulverizing thunder, rolling on and on, year after year after year.

And if you helped move us from there to here, there is a special place in Hell waiting for you.

*(Ronald Reagan [center] and Lee Atwater [right] from here.)


Grung_e_Gene said...

Frankly, Newt Gingrich is soooo smart. Frankly, his suits make him look soooo svelte. Frankly, Newt's hair is soooo suave. Frankly, Newt is soooooper!


Anonymous said...

All of which arcs beautifly to Karl (may he burn in Hell if it actually existed) Rove's latest attack ad on Elizabeth Warren, I swear that Rove wakes up every morning and reads the bracelet on his little piggy hoof that says: "What Would Lee Atwater Do?"

Anonymous said...

Neither a meal nor yet an invitation to a Georgetown cocktail party. I'm starting to wonder if David Brooks has an infinite number of monkeys on meth typing his columns in advance.