From the WSJ:
Christie Won't Seek GOP Nomination
Despite Pressure to Run, New Jersey Governor Said 'Now Is Not My Time'
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's decision to sit out the presidential race removes one of the last big unknowns from the 2012 Republican nomination fight and widens the path for Mitt Romney, the GOP front-runner for most of the year.
Even before Mr. Christie told a televised news conference Tuesday that "now is not the time" for a presidential run, some of his more fervent supporters were already switching their allegiance to Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who has moved back ahead of Texas Gov. Rick Perry in recent polls.
Now, unless Ronald Reagan leaps from the grave riding a white horse made of adamantine, tax cuts and $.30/gallon gasoline

the crazies are going to have to settle.
Which, for people who have been conditioned to believe that anything short of 100% rigid adherence to their batshit ideology = Islamo-Stalinist treason, is going to be entertaining.
I have no doubt Fox News Corporation will manage to reprogram the Pig People just in time to support the anointed Fox News Corporation candidate, but exactly what kind of software upgrades they'll be using to get the entire GOP base to re-re-re-re-re-reverse itself one more time without their heads falling off will be fascinating to watch.
But DG, you're giving the pig people way too much credit.
They don't actually need re-programming. That would imply that they've been programmed into any type of coherent position to begin with.
All Fox and Friends has to do is change up the talking points to whichever candidate they choose, and boom, that candidate has always been and always will be the perfect candidate, representing small government, freedom, and 'Murica
"We've always been at war with Eastasia".
Sci-fi cliche #1 in the SF Book of Lists is: With terrible irony, the creature destroyed its creator!
Pass the popcorn. I'm particularly enjoying seeing right-winger bloggers howl about these unfair "gotcha" questions from the media... "Unfair," because they expose the stupid, evil and crazy people who comprise the modern Republican Party.
"the crazies are going to have to settle..."
Do you mean settle as in compromise? Or settle as in settle down, children? Or both? Entertaining indeed.
This is why I have argued in the past that the Tea Party does exist and is useful as nomenclature.
The Tea Party is the distillation of willful ignorance. To them, watching politics is like watching wrestling on TV. Any character only needs a single episode (though two episodes usually works better) to have a "redeeming moment" and change from a villain character to a hero character. Romney will have that "redeeming moment" and become the hero. While I think it would require a two episode arc, I think Fox could spin Hillary Clinton into a Tea Party Hero.
The problem is with the Evangelicals, who are the distillation of crazy. (The non-religious manifestation is the conspiracy theorist militia man.) Conspiracy / crazy requires orthodoxy and revelations. The problem for the GOP establishment is that this requires memory. This is the group that makes changes between generations and works in long-term plans. They are the Cylons, and they have a Plan. As far as I can tell, Fox has a much weaker hold over the Evangelicals than the Tea Party.
I think the result of Romney's nomination would be a religious schism of the orthodoxy vs. the protestants. The Prop 8 debacle has proven that conservative politicians and the Catholic Church have no problem with Mormon money. The uprising will come from the Evangelicals who supported Bush blindly because he was Evangelical, and think Obama can't be president because he's part Muslim.
The third conservative element, centrism, won't care, since both sides do it and all politicians are the same.
So... I don't think the base will revolt. I think for two parts of the base, the centrists won't care from the beginning and the Tea Party will not care after the one or two episode story arc. I think the evangelicals will revolt, and the base will turn on itself.
And I shall watch in glee.
Their Wesley Came, But Alas, He Was Not Who They Thought He Was
Election 2012: Generic Republican 47%, Obama 41%
Any Republican. Any of them. Doesn't matter.
Mr. Christie said "now is not the time" for a presidential run
I don't think Christie has run anywhere since the Carter Administration.
Hey baby,
You are the best, and I attest to it daily.
I do think, however, that they will tap an "unwilling" (right!) Jebbie at the last moment, and he will be their savior riding up on a white charger.
For the memoryless brain dead, i.e., the TP'ers.
Love ya,
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