"But I was to learn that the Martian smile is merely perfunctory, and that the Martian laugh is a thing to cause strong men to blanch in horror."
"The ideas of humor among the green men of Mars are widely at variance with our conceptions of incitants to merriment.

The death agonies of a fellow being are, to these strange creatures provocative of the wildest hilarity, while their chief form of commonest amusement is to inflict death on their prisoners of war in various ingenious and horrible ways."
-- "A Princess of Mars"
BTW, the Mouse Circus was appalling today.
In all the usual ways.
Republican Peggy Noonan whining that "A leader leads". That it is entirely Barack Obama's fault that he could not make the GOP put country over party. That in 1996 Bill Clinton something something... Omitting, of course, that the good old days she pines for were full of Republicans lying hand-in-glove with Hate Radio, a Republican Congress who used their ascent to power to launch endless, partisan witch hunts culminating in the impeachment of the Democratic President, and that the GOP of 15 years ago look like Communist sleeper cells compared to the case-hardened fascists who run the party today.
Then again, maybe she was just drunk and missed the last 20 years or so.
Republican Mike Murphy whining that Barack Obama ran a brilliant Centrist campaign but has governed as the second coming of Vladimir Lenin ever since.
The billionaire CEO of Starbucks (and Tom Friedman BFF) was on hand to whine that Barack Obama hates rich people and that everyone in Washington was equally to blame for bad stuff happening.
It is not that these lying assbags exist. Of course they exist: Village and Empire pay their soulless mercenaries handsomely.
It is that they are handed the same, million-decibel megaphone to tell the same pack of bald-faced lies every fucking day, and no one who dares to whisper the truth is allowed near their giggly little clubhouse.
It's enough to make you sick. All I can hope is that after this Gilded Age crashes and burns, much like the last one of the late 19th century, we can get a new progressive movement that actually accomplishes something.
Of course this time around, the powers that be are in total control of the apparatus of state. So, I'm not holding my breath.
I've read about the many ways to expatriate, and I have my passport ready. I don't trust "The American Public" to make a correct decision if their life depended on it...which often it does, and often they don't.
I feel like going to Wall Street and joining the DFHs. I'll stay in a hotel, though. It's getting cold.
peggy noonan drunk? oh my!
thankfully you can watch - i cant
Great post...and you are right, they are handed the megaphone to say the same pack of bald-faced lies every f***ing day. Sadly, some on the Left do the same thing (but the GOP blasters are the worst).
Nice title too--are you going to see the film version of A PRINCESS OF MARS that is coming out in 2012?
@N1ck: I understand your frustration, and the wish for this new Gilded Age to fall...but then you turn around and complain about the people? We NEED them, and we also need to convince them about what is being done to them. It is they who are being most affected by this Gilded Age, and we have to learn to speak to them, not dismiss them.
This isn't a rant aimed at you--Lord knows I get what you are feeling. But to dismiss the American people as you have done....no, that doesn't help.
Just my 2-cents....
"C'mon baby and EAT THE RICH, bite down on the son-of-a-bitch"~Lemmy Kilminster
"Village and Empire pay their soulless mercenaries handsomely."
Thank you, that needs to be said, just so, much more often.
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