Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The GOP Debate

came down to a lively exchange among a group of people who clearly have no worries whatsoever that their declarative assertions regarding economics, politics, taxation, environmental policy, energy policy, foreign policy and the real words and deeds of the President of the United States do not interact with reality at any point.

Instead it was a the same old clubhouse, where the same old members threw the same old Teabagger gang signs at every question and poked each other with the tips of their knives before all agreeing that Barack Obama and his squad of Leftist saboteurs (who are all single-mindedly dedicated to weakening America so that Big Gummint Can Have More Power) has been behind every single problem dating back to Teapot Dome.

Q: How is it possible that Barack Obama was personally responsible for the fall of Saigon?

A: Jimmy Carter! Malaise! Apologist! USA!USA!
On a station so far into teevee's high-triple-digit exurbs that it nudged up against the Vatican weather report and the emergency broadcast test signal for the Federated States of Micronesia.

And the real winner?

The public domain Batman music

that mortared together all of the debate's individual insanities.


Fundraiser is on.
The dough goes here!

test test

test test


Batocchio said...

Yay! Conservative Krell Monster is back!

I just read a Yahoo piece on 9-9-9, and if you want to see economic illiteracy, check out the comments, with idiots claiming Cain's plan will raise revenues.

Wayne Dickson said...

Remember the statement released by John Kyl's office when he was called out on his outrageous lie about Planned Parenthood? "[H]is remark was not intended to be a factual statement…."

We're supposed to understand that that disclaimer is implicit in everything that every Republican politician and media co-conniver says.

Here's my cartoon presentation of Kyl:


Wayne Dickson said...

Your steadfast moral outrage is a source of strength, DG; but, beyond the passion and the rhetoric, you know these matters are not as two-valued as you imply. For example…

Remember the line from Absence of Malice when the Sally Field character has this exchange with a colleague who's writing a story about her:

Colleague: I need to know how to describe your relationship with Gallagher.

Mac [their editor] said to quote you directly.

You can say whatever you want.

Field: Just... say we were involved.

Colleague: That's true, isn't it?

Field: No. But it's accurate.