Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Is The New Communism.

Thanks Ayn!

What can you do about it?

How about reading a banned book?


Anonymous said...

This demonic graphic is exactly how it's felt for 12 years! This is a documentary of the moral landscape we all now contend with.


gruaud said...

That's why the term 'compassionate conservatism' refuted itself the moment it was coined.

Aaron said...

"Compassion", he says, and then links -- twice -- to someone who wants to see an outright Soviet-style mob murder spree, and whose commenters are worse even than that.

Interesting definitions y'all have around here.

Rev.Paperboy said...

In my case, and logically and mathematically speaking, literally millions of others, being concerned for the plight of the poor IS rational self-interest.

Aaron, not sure what you are referring to but what the hell is a "Soviet-style mob murder spree?" I thought the Soviets just held kangaroo court purges and had individuals disappeared or starved entire populations to death? I think the blog in question is just talking about jailing some thieves and hauling some noses out of the public trough. Interesting way of totally misrepresenting the case y'all have.