Thursday, August 11, 2011

Paypal Kerfuffle

Apparently my standard PayPal "Donate Button" code that has been working without a hitch for months has suddenly and spontaneously failed.

The above code now works, so many thanks to everyone who tried to send some dough my way, failed, persisted and sent me an email saying, "Dude, WTF?"

The button on the right rail of the site should also work, but it appears that every other PayPal I have embedded in the last several months is now retroactively FAIL, so in order to prevent people tripping over crapcode in posts gone by, I will be stripping the code out and republishing everything one buncha posts at a time, and from now on the PayPal button for this site will be found only in the sidebar.

And now back to our regular scheduled realities which, in my case, means BG and I are off to record this week's podcast.

Also too, don't let me forget to tell you about my amazing encounter with Harlan Ellison...


Anonymous said...

Huh? Wahhh?

Oh HELL NO! You are NOT going to dangle meeting Harlan Elison in front of us and leave!!! Get your ass back here and your fingers on the keyboard!!!

Michael said...

I second Anon! You met Harlan and are being cagey about it?! Bad Driftglass...Bad Blogger! (Ahem)Sorry, Can you tell that I own a dog? Anyhow, SPILL IT! Please?
I had heard that his health was deteriorating and that he was selling off some valuables. What a shame. Dangerous Visions, A Boy and His Dog, etc; What an artist!

Anonymous said...

Ditto. Mega-dittos. Also. Too. -

Anonymous said...

I suspect the encounter Driftglass was alluding to was this famous rant:

Pay the F*%kin' Writer! --A classic.

DrFine said...
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