Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Murdoch Goes

Full Gonzalez

If you think anything is going to happen to Murdoch on this side of the Atlantic, you're living in a Frank Capra movie:

Murdoch owns a majority share of the Party of God, has had most of its candidates for President on the payroll, and more importantly, owns the souls of every bigot, lunatic and slack-jawed imbecile who gets his opinion piped directly into his tiny, tiny brain via Fox News.

Remember that.

And then try to remember the name of the prison in which that slimy little fuck Gonzalez is rotting away the rest of his life.


Audioyster said...

Gonzalez is king pariah in Texas.

Grung_e_Gene said...

"I'm not really in touch."

"I don't know the details of what we're doing."

"I'm not sure what I said."

Rupert Murdoch