Sunday Morning Comin' Down.
"He was nae so much a man as...

a blancmange!" Edition
So "Meet the Gregory" will be off next week so NBC can cover Wimbledon.
Leaving one to ask the question: Why does NBC love tennis more than America?
To absolutely no one's surprise, today at the Mouse Circus the embargo on putting actual Liberals on teevee continued for the God-knows-how-manyeth week. Congratulations, Mainstream Media! You have now rendered Liberals more invisible on Major Network Political Teevee than African Americans were on the openly-segregated American teevee of the 1950s.
Instead we get Matt Bai.

We get George Will,
We get David Fucking Brooks.
Reassuring, in a way, that they no longer feel the need to even pretend to care anymore. That they have obligingly drawn the battle lines between us and them so unmistakably bright and clear.
In very much the same vein, the word has obviously come down from Villager Central Command that everybody needed to shut up and be cool about the fact -- the terrifying, irrefutable fact -- that the GOP is now just stone fucking Natural Born Killah crazy. To immediately button their fucking pie holes about the by-now-excruciatingly obvious/ criminally reckless insanity of the Right, and reassure everyone over and over again that the GOP is not a dark carnival of freaks and End Timers and weasely little Cantors. Not a cultural dumpster swarming with meth-tweaked rats who are perfectly willing to crash the global economy and drive the United States into an entirely preventable Second Republican Great Depression in order to promote the agenda of their fascist billionaire backers, advance their individual political fortunes, blow the country out from under the Kenyan Usurper, get rid every last trace of the New Deal and the Great Society. trigger the Rapture, or just up their speaking fees.
So why are the major networks lying to you -- badly -- in this specific way?
Well you must understand that a blancmange impersonator and Republican has to use some pretty clever stories to allay suspicion.
On the other hand, if you are hungry for real, intelligent, political conversation that covers topics of actual importance, you should of course fire up your computer machines and listen to "The Professional Left". But you should also hie yourself over to the "Liberal Oasis" and lend an ear to this week's interview with Matt Lewis about his book "The Quotable Rogue: The Ideals of Sarah Palin in Her Own Words" which I think gets the importance of the rise of the Scintilla from Wasilla just about right.
Palin is not only not going to win the GOP Presidential Wingnut Sweepstakes, she is almost certainly not even going to run. This is where Imperial Media, LLC coverage of Palin starts and stop, because our Imperial Media's job is to completely miss the real significance of just about everything. Every. Single. Time.
Palin's real importance is that she has found the weakest point in the vast, jelly-soft underbelly of our failed politico-entertainment complex and is gleefully slashing into it with a giddy fame-drunk grifter enthusiasm. She is changing the rules at the intersection of celebrity, politics and media among the Pig People in a knives-out way not seen since the days of George Wallace
and "Settin' the Woods on Fire".
And it is precisely because the Palin phenomenon reveals far too much about the real, ignorant, hateful heart of the Right that the lazy, overpaid "Both Sides Do It" clowns who populate the Mouse Circus are never going to talk about it.
Matt Bai?
You mean the Matt Bai who once used the 'po lonely boy' schtick to crap on the memory, not to mention the work, of the best five tool blogger of all time?
Why yes, I believe you do.
It has really gotten to the point where if the teabaggers in Congress crash the national and global economy in their pursuit of Ideological Purity (TM), yes it will be catastrophic and horrible and pretty much everyone who isn't in the Top 1% will be royally fucked over. But it will also be mondo-serious just deserts for mainstream America (and as usual, I'm including the Democratic Party establishment in this big-tent category) for enthusiastically enabling this endless, relentless Long March to the Right of the past thirty years.
@LnL, true, but who will pay when the lights go out? Those who've been warning for years (nee decades)? Those Top 1%-ers hiding in their Blackwater/Xe protected compounds? Run of the mill mainstream GOPers and the local tyrants they empower?
Or will it be the immigrant, teh gay, the moslim and teh librul? Oh wait, I think we already know the answer, eh? Seems to me we're starting to hear the echo of history from the 1930s resound loudly. Just as <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generations_%28book%29>Strauss and Howe</a> predicted many moons ago.
What is the right strategy to survive with dignity (or perhaps just survive) in these times?
@RP: I expect much paying will be done by both those who have been royally complicit and those who deserve rather better. The thing that gets me is the apparent inevitability of it all. The March to Right has been nothing but relentlessly and unfailingly enabled for three decades now. So why shouldn't it carry through to its logical conclusion over the edge of the cliff?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I perceive this country as acting out its group-karma, and in the face of something that massive and cosmic, what indeed is there left for lone concerned individuals to do anymore???
what indeed is there left for lone concerned individuals to do anymore?
I guess for me, it is to stay true to the ideals and principles that I think all right minded and non-Fox addle citizens should hold. Fairness, Opportunity, Justice, Union (togetherness), and Security. I think previous generations held these as "form[ing] a more perfect Union, establish[ing] Justice, insur[ing] domestic Tranquility, provid[ing] for the common defence, promot[ing] the general Welfare, and secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
To me, this means having the courage to say my peace in uncomfortable settings, to attempt to persuade others to open their eyes and think, and to do what I can to ridicule and marginalize those Drifty calls "pig people." Like him, I've concluded that they are beyond saving, so perhaps in the end, we'll have to marginalize their base passions by legislating against them (a method tried in the 50s-70s which directly led to today's decades-long backlash).
One thing for certain, none of us lone individuals will ever have the power to take on the big money boys. Not alone, and not together. Only from within can the big money boys and girls be tamed. There were times in our Republic when this happened (after all, FDR's biggest crime was not SS, it was being a "traitor to his class"). It might be a long, long wait before such times return, but if we can keep the seeds of our principals close, protected and lived, then I know the Republic I thought I served will return.
Until then, think local and act local.
Until then, think local and act local.
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