Well, at least he died for a good cause.
What cause was that?
Flush out your headgear new guy.
You think we roast Weiners for freedom?
This is a slaughter.
If I’m gonna get my soul blown off for a word, my word is "ratings".
... *
* In case the reference is not one you recognize.
Off and on today, that video crawled out to me. It didn't make sense, as if I was in a dream until this post. Thanks for sharing.
I see something different when I watch this story being wrung out for all it's worth - like every 5 minutes of an hour show of 'Entertainment Tonight" - I see the corporate monster baring its teeth at me
I love "Full Metal Jacket." But I always think casting Matthew Modine was a mistake. I don't know--I never find him believable. Oh, and I love this blog.
"Frank"ly, I don't give a damn. This issue is cutting into the Charlie Sheen coverage.
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