From the NYT:
Abramson to Replace Keller as The Times’s Executive Editor
Jill Abramson, a former investigative reporter who rose to prominence as a Washington correspondent and editor, will become the next executive editor of The New York Times, succeeding Bill Keller, who is stepping down to become a full-time writer for the paper.
Ms. Abramson has been one of Mr. Keller’s two top deputies since 2003, serving at his side as he steered The Times through a period of journalistic distinction and economic distress. Mr. Keller said that with the paper’s finances now on surer footing, he felt at ease handing the reins to Ms. Abramson.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, Keller is the guy who keeps David Brooks on staff.
Keller is the guy who hired Bill Kristol after Kristol got bounced from the wingnut welfare teat at Time magazine.
And when Kristol turned out to be as big a talentless shitbag as every sentient being in the known Universe knew him to be, Keller was the genius who filled the Kristol-sized hole in his line-up by plucking Ross Douthat from this mother's womb and giving him a job cutting little Conservative paper dolls out of mouldering copies of The National Review and pasting them into the Op-Ed page of the New York Times.
Keller was last seen in March, popping up long enough to chastise Arianna Huffington for her innovative take-people's-stuff-and-don't-pay-them business model...
"Aggregation" ... too often ... amounts to taking words written by other people, packaging them on your own Web site and harvesting revenue that might otherwise be directed to the originators of the material. In Somalia this would be called piracy. In the mediasphere, it is a respected business model.And:
Buying an aggregator and calling it a content play is a little like a company's announcing plans to improve its cash position by hiring a counterfeiter.
Then popping up again a few days later to walk most of it back:
Also, for the record, I like Arianna Huffington. Sorry to disappoint those folks yearning for a Wrestlemania smackdown, but I think she’s a shrewd entrepreneur and a charming woman. Also, we seem to share a belief in hiring professional journalists; she’s hired some good ones from The Times. (We won’t dwell on the fact that her new owners at AOL laid off 200 journalists to help pay for the acquisition of The Huffington Post.) So, really, I like Arianna.
After which he saw his shadow and scampered back into his hole, leaving us with at least six more weeks Centrism.
So there you go.
Drifty, I am a writer, a hobbyist as it were. Indeed, I am an award winning journalist, a published poet and have written three plays that were produced for live audiences.
But, like an alcoholic, it takes one to know one, and I see that which someday I hope to become at least a shadow of. Indeed it is my great fear that Esquire, or some such publication will hire you only with the provision that you never link to your blog and I lose you forever.
Without a doubt you have the skills to land a job as a writer for any publication in the land, and not doing so speaks far more to them than you.
If you hit the paywall at the NYT,
just delete all the text to the right of the question mark, and hit enter, and you have defeated a $200 million dollar paywall.
You are sooooo good, Dg.
Why don't they hire you?
At least their readership would finally increase.
giving him a job cutting little Conservative paper dolls out of mouldering copies of The National Review
Is it hoping too much that Brooks will be out the door soon without his patron to back him up? Or is that hoping for way too much?
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