Friday, June 24, 2011

Over in the Better Universe

A righteous and capable God metes out justice to Neocon hacks and Conservative parasites with the kind of dynamic efficiency that would make a sixth-degree ISO9000 Mok'bara Black Belt weep with joy.

Over in this Universe, we get the Greatest Conservative Public Intellectual in America sipping stale verbal dungspackle champagne out of David Broder's old shoe...

Twice a week...

From the pinnacle of America's Paper of Record.

This week: "Rock 'n Roll is gonna ruin them kids!" -- six paragraphs taken from an article in the "Rolling Stone", wrapped in a thin layer of Cautionary Tale for Our Parlous Times.

Read it here if you want, although for the life of me I have no idea why anyone would.


RockDots said...

Wow Bobo, talk about "mailing it in."

Cirze said...

Today's is even worse.

alise said...

Complete and total tripe, same as it ever is... but you gotta read 'em, just so you can keep up with what those bastards are up to.