Tuesday, June 07, 2011
This Time They've Gone Too Far!
And other jokes...
For the record, many, many on Left have been saying exactly this for years, over and over again and to no effect.
Not just parsing the general psychopathy of Randism (Digby, for one, has been on that beat for as long as I can remember) but for years (hell, for decades) we have been asking how in the fuck anyone on the Right could possibly reconcile their love of the anti-religion, no-rules capitalist bloodlust of Ayn Rand with their round-the-clock yapping about Jebus!Jebus!Jebus!
I mean, the fundamental incompatibility of these two ideologies is so shotgunning-fish-in-a-teacup obvious, how is it that no one in our Elite Media ever asks these clowns to climb off the giant pile of Bibles atop which they have spent their political careers screaming at 120 decibels and explain the contradiction? (Hell, I'd like to know why Paul Ryan gets a free pass on any inquiries about whether or not he either urges or requiring his staff to read the works of a radical pro-abortionist like Ayn Rand. Seems to me like a very legitimate question to ask of the new, young princeling of the Party of God.)
Then, gradually, a lot of us stopped asking, because we noticed that the Right never bothers to reconcile anything with anything. "Word", "facts", "history" and "faith" on the Right are just wingnut madlibs tossed out by the fistful like radar chaff to camouflage the reality that they are a tribe of seethingly hateful, often bigoted nihilists who have nothing but contempt for this country.
And no one in the Elite Media cares.
If Randism is 100% existentially incompatible with and hostile to Christianity, well then the Ministry of Righteousness will just pull a completely fake Parable of the Talents "Prosperity Doctrine" Jebus right out of their ass and the Pig People will sop it up with a biscuit.
And no one in the Elite Media cares.
So will this commercial make the slightest difference?
These queries have never been put to the Right because our Elite Media deems that since certain categories of questions (Example: How do you reconcile these ridiculously obvious ideological contradictions? Why aren't the people who lied us into war going to jail? Hey, are you sure we aren't torturing people? How did a gay male Conservative prostitute masquerading as a reporter go undetected at the heart of the White House Press corps for two years?) are obviously being asked by dirty, America-hating hippies for the sole purpose of being be rude and shrill and embarrassing our Elite Media in front of their Republican friends, lovers and party guests, such questions are therefore irrelevant.
Oh it might induce some young-gun reporter looking to make a name to fling the question in the general direction of, say, Rand Paul the next time he leaves Galt's Gulch to pick up another gallon of Jheri curl or whatever the fuck he uses to make his hair (pigtail? deadlock? piglock? dreadtail?) like that, but I'm sure people like Paul have a stock answer that uses phrases like "aspirational", "thought-leader" and "Well, what about those Commies on MSNBC?" on-hand just in case anyone should ever bring up any such unpleasantness.
And no, the Senator will not be taking any further questions.
However, given Sarah Palin's groundbreaking work on transforming the act of cowering from the press into a sign of Special Grace, I wouldn't place to much faith in creating even that much of a ripple in our big, dumb pond.
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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
Wouldn't it be interesting if everyone in blogworld started their essays with this line?
And no one in the Elite Media cares.
Almost profound.
Which is why, Suzan, the truth is confined to the madhouse of the intertubz. Right next to the NWO and other crazy ideologies. And never, NEVER to be raised in the general consciousness.
How did a gay male Conservative prostitute masquerading as a reporter go undetected at the heart of the White House Press corps for two years?
Well, aside from any actual cocksucking, just how much is there to differentiate the two? "Conservative prostitute masquerading as a reporter" covers quite a bit of ground these days.
1. First, Ayn Rand did not develop a "New culture of morality." Her philosophy isn't much different from the Nazi philosophy, which , of course, was a distortion of Nietzsche--the whole idea that the "superior man" was beyond ordinary concepts of law and morality--no matter who got hurt in the process. Remember Nietzsche's daydreaming about "The blond brute returning home after a day of rape and slaughter"?
2. Ryan may therefore be RIGHT in saying that Rand set forth the "morality of capitalism." Judging by what's happened in the last few years--and in 1929--and the Gilded Age--capitalism has the morality of a psychopath. Which is why it needs to be firmly regulated.
Dear DG,
My first impulse was to begin this response (my first, to you) by saying that YOU ARE A MORON. But, since that little outburst would probably get me read by exactly no one, let me try a different approach:
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in everything you said! But you say it all in such an over-the-top insulting way that you will be read by EXACTLY NO ONE of any other persuasion, which means that I--and the many frustrated others like me--find you absolutely useless in trying to educate the wingnuts we know and love, like, say, my wife.
So, thanks for nothing.
The Jifster
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