I was hunting for graphics for another post entirely, and stumbled across what is arguably the weirdest consumer product I have seen in a long time.
It is a real thing: for $2,600 you can stash your ash in a jug shaped like the head of the Kenyan Usurper (for six beans you can get a "keepsake" version.)
Capitalism? You're soaking in it!
Soaking, indeed.
Like a nice long bath in formaldehyde.
John Puma
That's pretty creepy. But it's even more disturbing that you can get a custom-made urn from these same guys, which can resemble anybody you'd like -- just send them a photograph!
Although it does suggest some interesting possibilities: Krusty the Klown, Chewbacca, Alfred E. Neuman, Che Guevara -- the choices are endless.
For that matter, it might be fun to order one of those in the likeness of a wingnut celebrity, fill it with some personal but decidedly un-ashlike substance, and then send it to said celebrity. Pretty pricey statement, though, and you just know these guys never open their own packages.
Nice Pink Floyd reference :)
I have a chia pet Obama head, which would go well with this.
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