Friday, June 24, 2011

As You Wish

One of the first consultant presentations I ever did that went over like gangbusters leaned heavily on Peter Falk's "Lieutenant Columbo."

AS an icebreaker, I asked everybody what they remembered about his character. Usually it was the dog. The rumpled appearance. The 'just one more question' gambit. References to his wife. Pawing through his pockets for notes and pencil stubs.

When all that was out of the way, I asked my audience to think about the character's keen understanding of class and ego. How he curated his image as a blue collar goof with every bit as much precision as any fashion model. How he shamelessly used flattery and modesty and self-effacement strategically. How he never berated or abused subordinates, but was always firm and clear. How he only ever seemed at his ease when among his peers -- fellow competent tradespeople and craftsmen.

And most important of all, how he always, always started off by asking for help. "Could you help me out here please? wife...and I just need a little help here if it's not too much trouble."

Works every time.

RIP Mr. Falk.


prof fate said...

Push the button, Max!


Aw, damn.

Hef said...

He's got my vote for sainthood.