Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A Wonderful Thing is a Trigger*

A Trigger's a wonderful thing.
Their tops are made out of rubber,

their bottoms are made out of spring.
They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy,
fun, fun, fun, fun, fun,

The most wonderful thing about Triggers is:
I'm the only one!

I'm the only one!

* If a "Truther" is an promulgator of one of the "secret truth about 9/11" conspiracies, and a "Birther" traffics in "the secret truth about Obama's birth" conspiracies, then a "Trigger" would be...

Only in this case one can make a clear and direct case that not only has Sullivan become an Ahab without a whale on the specific subject of Trig Palin, but that the general critique he makes of the Palinites -- that their dog-loyalty to their leaders depends entirely on the invention and constant maintenance of a wholly a counterfeit past specifically designed to let the Base of the GOP continue lie to themselves about their long and catastrophic record of being wrong about everything -- is a critique that fits Sullivan and his gang of Conservative outcasts every bit as snugly and damningly as it fits Palin and Bachmann and Limbaugh and Beck.

Which is why Conservatives like Sullivan will never debate or even acknowledge this subject in public or in print.



Asian-American Pundit said...

Well done sir, well done.

David in NYC said...

Slow news day? Why are you posting about an article that is nearly a year old? At least I presume that is what this is about, since you neither make reference nor provide a link to anything else.