Friday, April 29, 2011

I Was A Teenage Libertarian II:*

The Incredible Shrinking Memory

Apparently, Mr. Sullivan's very lucrative political amnesia shall be permitted to sail on and on, unimpeded, until the End of Days.

Okay then, that being the case, in this unusually long post, see if you can spot exactly where his brain turns to poo (and, no, while funny, "1977" will not be accepted as a valid answer):

The Party Of Fiscal Responsibility

Ezra Klein claimed last week that it's the Democrats. Douthat isn't convinced:
To the extent that there are serious liberal plans for bringing the budget toward balance — whether they involve centralized rationing, middle class tax increases or huge tax hikes on the rich — neither the White House nor the Democratic Party as a whole seems to feel a sense of urgency in rallying behind them. In part, no doubt, that’s because much of the left doesn’t think of the deficit as a particularly urgent issue. They have every right to take that view. But it explains why the case that the Democrats are the real party of fiscal seriousness looks thin indeed.

But the GOP after the past ten years? It has a very long way to go before it retains any credibility.

Skipping lightly over whether Mr. Sullivan meant "regains" [very likely given the context] or "retains" [unlikely] let us focus instead on what I'm sure we all remember as that positively motherfucking Camelot of Conservatism prior to 2001...

{Insert cheesy flashback special effects here}

Back when the United States could coast breezily along on those record-breaking Reagan/Bush Surpluses (bolstered by the confidence America then had in the robust good health of its economic institutions such as the Savings and Loan industry and the staunch moral rectitude of its high-flying Captains of Capitalism) with enough scratch set aside in the boodle bag to carry us comfortably through the Dark Days of The Clinton Profligacy. In fact, the good times might have gone on forever had it not been for a silly man in a flight suit (which no Conservative ever voted for...or voted for again...or in any way ever supported) who -- with naught but the able assistance of his trusty, gun-totin' sidekick -- single-handedly drove Adam and Eve Smith out of Conservative Paradise forever and ever.

Very sad.

Also thank God the emergency auxiliary backup Conservative at the Little Paper That Could is finally getting some linky love from the Daily Beast. Because, dammit, the off-brand generic diet Conservative cola product that Mr. Douthat brews up out of adjectives left over from David Brooks' bi-weekly Beltway Common Wisdom bromides truly represents an edgy, rebel perspective to which our consarn Lamestream Media simply will not devote anywhere near enough attention.

* (In response to a question from Tild, I'm pretty sure the tee-shirt font I used started out life as Ariel Black, with which I added some fading, mid-tone burning, perspective distortion, liquifying and pasting-into.)


Tild said...

Well duh! (she said, as if she could even begin to recreate that slightly ripply text printed on a tee-shirt effect).
No, actually I was wondering what font you used for 'Teenage Libertarian'.
I love fonts like that. Just the sight of one makes me want to put together a Big Daddy Roth "Rat Fink" model car and watch an American International movie, like Beach Blanket Bingo. :)

driftglass said...

Ah! Well, truth be told and just between us two, I couldn't find a matching font so I carved up the existing text as a graphic and blended, inverted and resized the bits and pieces it until it passed muster.

Tild Dallelie said...

Well. Is that all? Pretty easy, then. [walks away dejectedly planning ritual seppuku]

That does it. I'm dumping the crappy Corel apps I use & finally making the switch to Photoshop.

Kathy said...

One can do a lot with Fonts, have lots of fun, once they've been made into "objects" or whatever the terminology is these days. I just got Photo-Elements 9 and a manual ("the missing manual") which is quite helpful, and can be applied to the "real" Photoshop, which I have but find a bit of a hassle.

Driftglas is DA BOMB.

Tweez said...

I get a lot of free fonts from here:

Tild Dallelie said...

Too. also.

Anonymous said...

Amazingly painful and apt list.

What Andrew really means is that he now finds the Right aesthetically offensive: They can't spell, look funny, wear actual fringes, are fat and boring.

Nancy Reagan, in the 80's leaving a fundraiser with the newly named Falwell Silent Majority types was said to have remarked to one of her socialite girl friends: "Whatever happened to *my* Republican Party?" She was apparently referring to their "big hair" and constant references to religion. She was "embarrassed".

But took the money.