Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Fundraiser Day #7 -- Greedy Old Commies

Remember the last time a band of tearing-their-enemy's-throats-out-is-too-subtle Rovian goons unveiled a campaign to carpet-bomb any greedy old people who took exception to the GOP's plan to carve up one of the most popular, and successful social program in American history and serve it up to their Wall Street backers on the good china?

I do.

From Bob Geiger in 2005:

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
AARP in the New Republican Axis of Evil
If, as republicans assert, they are the party of mainstream America, we've got a real hate problem going.

The same group that proudly brought you the daily fabrications of the Swift Boat Liars against John Kerry, has now begun producing hateful ads against -- believe it or not -- the AARP. You see, the AARP had the temerity to come out in strong opposition to George Bush's scheme to privatize social security, which naturally leaves them open to low-rent attacks normally reserved for Democratic political candidates.

USA Next, the same conservative lobbying group that funneled cash to the Swift Boat Liars, is the money behind an ad that appeared Monday in the online version of The American Spectator. The ad shows a combat-ready U.S. soldier in one window with two gay men kissing in an adjoining panel. The picture of the soldier has a big red X on it, while the picture of the gay men (in tuxedos and obviously having just been married) had a big checkmark on it. The text banner at the bottom says "The REAL AARP Agenda" and the implication is clear: That the AARP loves gay folks and hates the troops.
Ah, good times!

Well, they're back. Maybe not the same names, but carriers of the exactly the same disease droned out using exactly the same Orwellian anti-meaning vocabulary.

This time they are gathering together at FreedomFest, which, if you are unfamiliar (as I certainly was) appears to be sort of a "Gilded Age" meets "Burning Man" for oligarchs (and the Yes-men who love them) at a nice hotel thingie: a chance for Extremely Privileged White Men to gather in the desert to chant out their pain in Whine Circles, cleanse their portfolios in Debt Lodges and, in general, build an entire, temporary community around a single tenet: that life in this Land of the Free now positively sucks ass for them because The Socialist Man is keepin' 'em down!

Also, in lieu of fire-jugglers, trance dancers and organic grilled cheese at the Smut Shack served to by vividly painted fellow humans, a quick look at the scheduled and invited speakers gives you an idea of what to expect:

FoxNews? Check.

Forbes? Check.

Cato Institute? Check.

Wall Street Journal? Check.

Oil Company executives? Check.

American Enterprise Institute? Check.

Students for Liberty? Check.

Wayne Allyn Root? Check.

WorldNet Daily? Check.

The (I kid you not) "Wealth Research Institute"? Check.

Richard Viguerie? Check.

Assorted investment and offshoring banking types, Randite crapweasels, and their respective retinues of myrmidon bootlickers? Check, check and check.

Because Freedom isn't Free, my friends.

In fact, according to the brochure it costs exactly $495 per person ($795 per couple.)

Pull Newt's finger and help Fight the Crazy...


Capt. Bat Guano said...

"Worlds largest gathering of free minds."

Yeppers, minds that are free of conscience, morality, shame, ethics, compassion and empathy. You know, all those liberal concepts that get in the way of making some big ass money.

StringonaStick said...

I'm on the email list of my Senators, and I just got an invite to attend a discussion of the "deficit and debt" crisis this Friday, with none other than Alan Simpson and Alice Rivlin (amongst others). Of course I accepted, and I included the following comment in my request for tickets: "thanks for not inviting any of those stupid progressives to speak at this important event!". I doubt they understand my sense of humor, but I received a spot on the "allowed to attend" list anyway.

The list of speakers is limited to Simpson, Rivlin, Maya MacGuineas,and "Colorado leaders, including current and former members of the Colorado Delegation" plus "Business and Community leaders". Plus they've only got 2 hours to convince us that giving more to the upper 2% and taking more from the remaining 98% is really in out best interests. Should be a great time!

Anonymous said...

So where do you camp at the burn?