Saturday, March 26, 2011

NYT To Replace Frank Rich

and Bob Herbert

With Rich Bob

and Frank Herbert

A fictional, soulless, proto-Teabagging Wall Street huckster

And a long dead writer of science fiction about power politics, holy wars and a scarce resource on which the economy depends

set on a desert planet populated by warrior zealots.

Sounds about right.

Because however many more millions of dollars you throw at them, Tom Friedman and David Brooks are just not gonna be able to plug that brand-new combined 3,200 words-per-week op-end page deficit all by themselves.

Also too, apropos of nothing, and FYI, I will be celebrating my sixth blogiversary next week with cake, sensibly-priced party hats and my first fundraiser since last Fall.

To get the stats right, I peeked in the rear-view before writing this post and found that in the last six years I have done
  • An average of 1.4 posts a day, every day for the last 2,191 days.
  • Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-4 pieces of original, story-supplementing graphic art every week for the last 312 weeks, and,
  • Along with my partner in crime Blue Gal, one original podcast per week, every week, for the last 66 weeks.
Which, considering how basically lazy I am, slightly amazes me :-)


Retired Patriot said...

Ah drifty! Thanks for reminding us of that great, great film. It was so far ahead of its time that it could actually be made! Right down to the tricorner hats!!!!!

Looking forward to sending you some scratch for the great work you're doing. You're worth at least as much as a year's worth of Sunday NYTs!



@kiphampton said...

Dune reference. DRINK!

Tild said...

Ah yes, Bob Roberts. What a good movie. We were living in AZ when that film came out, & when we went to see it at a Phoenix multiplex, Mr. Tild and I were the only people in the theater. I remember wondering if our attendance at a showing of Bob Roberts had triggered the Liberal Alert Early Warning system & if instead of being allowed to go home after the film was over we were going to be detained indefinitely at the Maricopa County DOC tent city/death camp out in the desert. How's that for paranoia? And that was in '92! Sheesh.

On a perhaps unrelated note: I never knew that Bert Large from Doc Martin was also Baron Harkonnen! Teh awesome.

Comrade PhysioProf said...

You're a prolific motherfucker!

Hef said...

Scratch will be forthcoming on the sixth anniversary... the traditional gift is really sugar or iron? You choose, I can't. This would also be an opportune time to make it possible to sidestep paypal and cut out the middle man.