Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life in the Femtocelebrity Spotlight

The truth with aliases.

For anyone interested, I was recently interviewed as part of this story in Crain's Chicago Business ("Rahm Emanuel, social media boost campaign humor in Chicago mayoral race") by star-reporter and all-around good sport, Shia Kapos (cartoonified above.)

Seeing as it was a formal occasion and Crain's is a respectable business publication with a national audience, I shaved my legs right up to my sternum and only said "fuck" once.

Here's a snip:
Other cities have transitions every four to six years. They know how to do it. We don't. There's a level of panic at the highest levels of government. Add that to the fact that we're in Chicago, the president's backyard, and that one of the candidates is a close personal friend, and it's a circus stuck inside of an opera inside of a blockbuster movie.
The rest is available here.

I'm in your head now, Rahm!


mahakal said...

He should be scared, but he doesn't realize he is in your court now.

Congrats on the publicity.

chautauqua said...

Geez, being famous used to be good for at 15 minutes. We're down to femtoseconds now?

StonyPillow said...

You armchair wag, you.

Comrade PhysioProf said...

Way to go, holmes!

(Although, unfortunately, the reporter (or an editor) fucked up the difference between anonymity and pseudonymity.)

Cirze said...


How do I miss these posts?

Sheesh - and world-altering news.

Will the earth move next?



I'm in your head now, Rahm!

Anonymous said...

Kudos, DG, on the booo-coup praises garnered from Chicago Business coverage.

Roger the Commenter has some gender issues re: Driftglass -- "she or he" ?? -- but I thought he did a fine job . . .

Roger W. wrote:
"This piece has an insight into what's really going on(e) that one rarely sees. That you included driftglass is impressive. Driftglass has been known to actually prompt people to change their minds. For many, she (or he) is a treasure not to be missed."

You actually change minds, you ole shapeshifter you!