Monday, January 31, 2011

The Art and Science

of Huffington Headline-ology

The headline reads...
Tom Brokaw Speaks Out On Olbermann Exit
And the story?

Buried in the fourth paragraph (that starts with Phil Rosenthal's name being misspelled):
Rosnethal then asked Brokaw what he thought of Olbermann's exit. "You're not going to get me to go there," Brokaw said.

Nothing new here.

Just a reminder that when you dig around under the hood of the Big Shiny Expensive Elite New-Age-y Thing, don't be surprised to find that a grimy, 2-stroke lawnmower engine that runs on gossip, engineered indignation and soft-core-porn is pulling the plow.


Anonymous said...

Is this something about the Huffington Post that anyone, at this point, still actually needs to be told?

Kathy said...

I can't stand it, but it is read by liberals & conservatives, and maybe even the Wall Street Banksters. That "People-style" starlet gossip seems to appeal to everyone.