


From anonymous holds that let any Civil-War-grudge-holding flake randomly bring the government to its knees...to filibusters-by-proxy that let the minority rule by decree and ransom note...to mysterious, obscure double-magic-reverso rules which can undo all that has gone before (but only if invoked on the third Tuesday of a month when the official Senate chicken has laid an egg with a double yolk)...if the last two years has demonstrated anything, it is that America's House of Lords has failed.
Since the beginning, practically the Senate's only reason for being has been to act as a firewall against the excesses of the House, and the only weapons it really had were collegiality, compromise and an arsenal of arcane rules that punished outliers who wanted to push things along too quickly.
But Conservatism's engineered rage retrovirus -- spliced meticulously together out of racism, ignorance, fundamentalism and lies, and delivered everywhere at the speed of light via Fox News and Hate Radio -- has now done exactly what it was designed to do: kill any vestige of collegiality or compromise or reason on the Right. And now that this wingnut contagion has broken through the containment field and is running like wildfire through the halls of the Senate
the same, powerful, entangling tools which were originally designed to halt the progress of the disease have been turned into instruments for worsening its spread.
Thanks to the Republican Party, the Senate is no longer capable of performing its most basic bodily/political functions. Thanks to the Republican Party, the "World's Greatest Deliberative Body" has been reduced to a hopelessly dysfunctional sack of plague, bleeding out.
So if our fever ever breaks and we limp back to national sanity we can bring the Senate back from mothballs, but for now it is time to get rid of it.
Just to be sure.
I don't think we really can get rid of the Senate right now, unfortunately as that may be. The whole Constitution was designed to limit democracy, really. But calling a new Constitutional convention would be more than risky.
I heard drinking Sterno may help, though...
What could be more risky than certain destruction? It's already over the cliff. :(
My God man, what did Hugh Laurie ever to to you? Blue Gal's gonna be pissed, & you don't want to make Blue Gal angry. You won't like her when she's angry.
"Exactly, very well put. There are too many bills."
"I don't understand. There are just as many bills, majesty, as we required, neither more nor less."
"There are, in fact, only so many bills the Senate can hear in the course of a session. I think I'm right in saying that, aren't I, David Brooks?"
"Yes. Yes, on the whole, yes majesty."
And BTW, where is Miss Gladys Stevens when you need her?
I wish I could write like you, Dg.
Justice demands your triumph.
But Conservatism's engineered rage retrovirus -- spliced meticulously together out of racism, ignorance, fundamentalism and lies, and delivered everywhere at the speed of light via Fox News and Hate Radio
. . . the "World's Greatest Deliberative Body" has been reduced to a hopelessly dysfunctional sack of plague, bleeding out.
P.S. Word ver fright: "comaties"
Sack the fops? Never happen.
You don't think Wall Street's going to let a good investment go to waste, do you?
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