Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We're Famous!

Oh, but wait...

Not in a good way.


From the "Rolling Stone" excepts of Matt Taibbi's "Griftopia":

"America is quite literally for sale, at rock-bottom prices, and the buyers increasingly are the very people who scored big in the oil bubble. Thanks to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and the other investment banks that artificially jacked up the price of gasoline over the course of the last decade, Americans delivered a lot of their excess cash into the coffers of sovereign wealth funds like the Qatar Investment Authority, the Libyan Investment Authority, Saudi Arabia's SAMA Foreign Holdings, and the UAE's Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.

"Here's yet another diabolic cycle for ordinary Americans, engineered by the grifter class. A Pennsylvanian like Robert Lukens sees his business decline thanks to soaring oil prices that have been jacked up by a handful of banks that paid off a few politicians to hand them the right to manipulate the market.

"When you're trying to sell a highway that was once considered one of your nation's great engineering marvels — 532 miles of hard-built road that required tons of dynamite, wood, and steel and the labor of thousands to bore seven mighty tunnels through the Allegheny Mountains — when you're offering that up to petro-despots just so you can fight off a single-year budget shortfall, just so you can keep the lights on in the state house into the next fiscal year, you've entered a new stage in your societal development.

"You know how you used to have a job, and a house, and a car, and a wife and a family, and there was food in the fridge — and now you're six months into a drug habit and you're carrying toasters and TVs out the front door every morning just to raise the cash to make it through that day? That's where we are. While a lot of this book is about how American banks used bubble schemes to strip the last meat off the bones of America's postwar golden years, the cruelest joke is that American banks now don't even have the buying power needed to finish the job of stripping the country completely clean.

"Around this time, state and municipal executives began putting their infrastructure assets up to lease — essentially for sale, since the proposed leases in some cases were seventy-five years or longer. And in virtually every case that I've been able to find, the local legislature was never informed who the true owners of these leases were. Probably the best example of this is the notorious Chicago parking meter deal, a deal that would have been a hideous betrayal even without the foreign ownership angle. It was a blitzkrieg rip-off that would provide the blueprint for increasingly broke-ass America to carry lots of these prized toasters to the proverbial pawnshop.
Three observations.

First, as always, Matt delivers the goods wrapped in some fine, laser-sculpted writing.

Second, although the excerpt credits "The Chicago Reader", I sincerely hope that in the book Matt singles out the mighty Ben Joravsky and Mick Dumke by name. Most of basics that undergirded what I read in the excerpt, Joravsky and Dumke had in print and in detail a year and a half ago.

Third, and on a more personal note, back at the beginning of 2010 when Matt started soliciting Chicago residents for input on this story --

"Any Chicago residents out there with some strong opinions on the parking meter issue? If so, I’d like to hear from you."
-- I know that several of my readers got back to him with the intel that, if he wanted a good field guide the weirdness of Chicago and our parking meter fiasco, he would do well to contact me. And as genuinely reluctant as I am to blogwhore my work in other people's living rooms, in this case I took his open an open invitation, and as a request for assistance from a fellow writer regarding a subject I know pretty well.

I tried to contact Mr. Taibbi -- a writer I admire and was happy to help -- more than once, even sending along some light reading that may have included some of the following:
The First Rule of Clout Club.
Of Sin Eaters and Parking Meters.
Plate Sin with Gold.
The Clout Burglars.
Never heard a word back from him, even to say "No thanks".

Which, I gotta confess, was fairly disappointing.

Of course, if Matt wants to make dis lil' misunderstandin' evaporate quicker'n a Cubs rally, per local custom all he needs to do is drop a coupla Netanyahus in da' fundraiser hat and we'll call 'er square.

C'mon Taibbi,

how you gonna say "no" to dis face?


Moorespeed said...

I'm not sure why Taibbi didn't get back to you, driftglass. My best guess is that he started to read one of your pieces and then quick-closed it, scared that if he read any further, even just one word more, he'd end up tossing his Selectric into the river; having a "Just Charlie" moment.

Or in this case, a "Just drifty" moment.

Next time, tap Jim Walcott or Roger Ebert on the shoulder...see if they'll make the introduction for you. I'm sure either one would be glad help.

You see, there's a club...and they're actually in it!

MikeOha said...

I, too, sent Matt links to some of your posts on the topic. It really sounds like he read your stuff before writing the book.

darkblack said...

Give da kid some mazuma, Taibbi. Be a schport.


Chicago Guy said...

driftglass--I become more convinced that "the response" is becoming increasingly rare. But what heartens me is that the class acts--like Ebert--DO respond. He responded to me and I'm not even in that club!

So I'll just skip this Matt guy and read you.
As a born and bred Chicagoan--I like to keep track of who responds----even if the list is short.

Anonymous said...

uh...maybe he just has a link filter on his inbox?

Asian-American Pundit said...

It's rather simple. HE STOLE IT! ALL OF IT! Let's go get him!!

Wait...what we're talking about?

P.S. this is just too easy,

loretta said...

I had a nemesis practically plagiarize an entire chapter of my book for content of her website and never even give me credit for it. When I discovered she had done that, I emailed her and asked her kindly to at least just attribute the information to me and the chapter in the book from where she STOLE it.

She basically just summarized my work, using some sentences verbatim, replacing a few here and there. It was so blatant.

Luckily, she's not published and did not make any money on my work. But, still.

Eventually, a few months after I wrote her and asked for attribution, she finally did give me credit.

My old blog was plagiarized shamelessly by people for a few years, sometimes without attribution, sometimes with.

I suppose imitation is the highest form of flattery, Drifty.

blader said...

i feel bad for you drifty, while at the same time a bit smug for knowing about the chi-town parking meter griftfest well before taibbi....i mean, you make me feel ahead of the curve my friend

driftglass said...

Thanks, all.

To be very, very clear, I did not say or imply that I thought Matt did anything other than write a fine piece for the Rolling Stone. However, I was was disappointed that one of my fav writers could not make the effort to reply to me or any of my readers in any way, after he had put the call out for Chicago residents to contact him on this very subject.

As to Messers Wolcott and Ebert, they are both very gifted writers, who are also very generous with their time, attention and encouragement. And if either one of them ever wrote in their columns that they were actively soliciting input from people on a local story which I happened to be writing about, damn betcha they'd hear from me :-)

Phil said...

Drifty, yer the shit and we know it.
It has been a well kept secret for all these years but talent, like heat, rises.
You'll get there soon enough.
Write the fucking book!

BTW, Happy Birthday ya old fossil, I'm still ten months older than you.

If I wasn't so broke I'd send ya a couple of shekels but you are well aware of what unenjoyment pays.
High five and a shot of cheap skull popping whiskey to ya my man.
