Nasty, Brutish and Short.
Starting things off with a sigh, for some reason, Bob Schieffer of “Face the Nation” (long thought to be The Mouse Circus’ “adult” in the room) apparently believed the wormy spawn of Traitor Dick Cheney had not appeared on the teevee machine nearly enough and held out a chair for her today.
You're back on the list, Schieffer!
On “Fox News Sunday” Chris Wallace interrupted Claire McCaskill to opine that “most Americans” believe that the Democratic Party is too far “to the Left” and shouldn’t she be counseling her Party and President to “move to the Center”? (FYI, the Centrist “compromise” Chris Wallace specifically has in mind it to extend the Bush tax cuts for at least another year or two, because in Fox World, “compromise” is defined as "humping Mitch McConnell’s right leg and capitulating completely to The Crazy Party".)
And because she is such a good, little Blue Dog, McCaskill obligingly hopped into Wallace’s lap and told him how much she loved, loved, loved compromising with Republicans!
Then, without the slightest flicker of irony, Wallace immediately switched from the topic of keeping the budget-crushing tax cuts for rich people in place to the Entirely Unrelated Topic of the Horrible!Horrors! of saddling future generation with debt.
On “This Week” George Will once again went Full-Monty Burns.

First was his giddy, positively chop-licking lust at the thought of a full-on corporate takeover of the United States gummint using angry rubes and bigots as a battering ram, and an infinite amount of secret corporate money as fuel.
Second came his palpable, vinegary distaste at A) being seated next to Meghan McCain ("Smithers, who is this sticky, road-house trollop and why is she being allowed to sit at the grownup's table?!") and, B) being forced into a brief, perfunctory pretense that he gave a shit about anything she had to say about "the young people" before dismissing it all in favor of his own, mildewed wisdom.
Meanwhile, on “Meet the Press” Ken Buck continued to embarrass the good people of Colorado in a variety of ways, most notably by equated being gay with alcoholism. But considering the severity with which the weepy, paranoid side-effects of Buck's rumored, raging, $1,000-a-day Ibogaine habit must be whipsawing him by now, one does not know whether to pity the poor, crazy fucker or simply wish the Flatirons would tip over and tent-peg this hateful swine into the Earth's core.
Oh how I miss the frolicsome antics of the V1.0 Tea Party Hucksters:
at least they had better music.
Buy why are we wasting time talking about this trivia, when two of the most important events of the year are reaching their apotheosis in just two, short weeks?
Some sort of rally down by the national cement pond...
George the Will as Monty Burns.... Drifty, you crack me up!
But no mention of Miss Meghan's dissing of the witch?! This seems the most notable part of Sunday's circus. Or at least all the other corporate medias tell me so...
PS - does the fundraiser coincide with an appearance at the rally?
As a Coloradan, I sincerely hope Buck keeps coming up with these winning statements because otherwise he's unfortunately going to beat the democrat he's running against. If we didn't have the country's ground zero for knuckle dragging Christianists installed in Colorado Springs the politics in this state would be a lot more sane; Focus on the Fammily even gets their own zip code and highway exit sign.
Last week we had the revelation that as county DA Buck refused to prosecute an acquaintance rape case even though they had the rapist recorded on the phone admitting it was rape. He said it wasn't a winnable case.
'Ibogaine habit'
Administered directly via hypodermic into the eyeball by underdressed Cambodian waifs to avoid the telltale signs of the hardcore Republican addict.
They've learned since Nixon to hide their vile secrets deeply - He had tracks on his legs like the Union Stock Yards from decades of self-abuse.
I like when Will has to sit next to Paul Krugman: "Smithers, who is bobble-eyed Hebrewite, with his strange theories on national book keeping?"
No, I'll be staying in Chicago, scheming...scheming...
I hesitate to admit that I was (no kidding) born in Colorado Springs. Later, my family left, after which the place went to hell.
Sorry about that.
Generation after generation, the rats get smarter.
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