"Because he had a 'D' after his name..."
Just when I despaired of having something cool to post today, I find that reader Ben Riddle has taken it upon himself to turn the text of my 09/11/08 "Like a Virgin" post into a narrated, two-part, pre-election special video.
Above was Part I: The Public Record
Here is Part II: Like a Virgin
Take a bow, Ben; nicely done.
Oh, and Conservatives, if you every wondered why the Left finds you loathsome beyond redemption and thinks your ridiculous Teabagger Movement is at once hilarious, tragic and obscene, this is why.

nicely done, indeed! I do remember reading that piece and it was every bit as potent (if not more so) in video form.
Yes, I remember reading that one too. Powerful stuff. Stuff that should have been front and center on some editorial page somewhere. Stuff that should have been repeated over and over again, loudly over the shrill screaming of the newly awakened zombie right. Stuff that every American should know by heart.
Last night, I watched examples of the newest crop of female candidates from the collective amnesia party, spout the latest cheap trick jingoistic talking point, handed down from on high, straight out of the diseased mind of the un-indicted criminal Rove: "Man up!!" , they spit at their male democratic opponents...over and over.
All I could think was "Brain up!!" you vapid gimmicks.
There is no reasoning with those who lack the capacity to reason. No history lesson will return them to sanity. They must be mercilessly scorned and ridiculed loudly and often. This is a war for no less than the soul of this country. The lines have been drawn.
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