Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hollaback Media ™

Wingnut "coverage" of OneNation rally proceeds as expected.

For those of you who wonder "Why bother reporting on pig people royalty acting like douchebags anymore? I mean, it's so...2005." just a reminder that, in addition to being the madam of this particular Right Wing whorehouse, Ewick-Son-of-Ewick -- for reasons that passeth all understanding -- also picks up a few extra bucks on the side as one of CNN's paid, on-air personalities.

Your "Liberal" Hollaback Media at work.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Foreign ForeignSon has the smooth puffy faced, flabby body appearance of a man who through "working" for Government has never missed a meal. Although he made sure to miss enlisting to Defend America... Oh silly me, he was busy protecting the home front as he began blogging in 2003.

watchdog said...

I gotta say, I am often amazed at how chicken-shit terrified these cowards are of their favorite boogeyman, socialism. It's clear of course that none of these chicken littles know the first damn thing about real socialism beyond what they learned from ole tail-gunner Joe, and yet they paint anything not to the right of Attila the Hun as a dangerous commie out to get America.
It's incredibly pathetic when you think about it.

driftglass said...

Ah the olden days. So many service-age Conservative heroes whose heroic home-front hero-iness has tragically been lost to history.

Except, of course, it hasn't been...