For the last 80 years, on the anniversary of Black Tuesday, a mysterious woman in black has been seen leaving three roses and an empty bottle of Harveys Bristol Cream on the grave of Herbert Hoover.
She has once again bobbed to the surface to the GOP wine bucket to deliver another paean to wonderful wonderfulness.
Tengrain has the story here.
*(In case you are unfamiliar with the tradition)
Ahh...Peggington Noonington...god what a life!
Just imagine what it must be like: Never to have worried about a bill, or a paycheck or an irate asshole boss.
The ability to have money magically appear in your bank account for literally gibbering nonsense like some kind of drunk spider monkey, on national television no less, at your whim or that of your highly paid representative.
What must the universe look like from that golden perspective?
Ohh...for distracted bus driver..on the rare occasion that the limo is late...
I drop by and the first thing I see is that! Yeesh, drifty, you oughtta warn a guy!
This is what's left after you hollow out a soul and replace it with equal parts vapidity, ignorance and bile, then marinate the results in Mai Tais and fervently self-satisfied religious bigotry. And that's just gotta leave some external marks. Heck, the last time I saw a mouth that implacable, it had eight feet of moray eel attached to it.
Nooners is living proof that, while justice may not be inherent to this universe, a perverse sense of humor most definitely is.
Thanks for the link, Drifty!
I think Susan Hill (author of The Woman In Black) should get some love there too.
The TV version from which that image came is a truly freaky dramatisation too - way to use a small budget to amazing effect. IMO though the best version is the stage play - went in all cocky and blase (being 15 at the time), thinking I couldn't be unsettled by a bunch of actors, and ended up with lousy sleep patterns for the next few evenings.
My sense is, the Bristol Cream was long gone before she got to the cemetary.
word verification: jebuz
Best not take it too literally BlueGal - the story goes that a child would die every time the Woman In Black put in an appearance!
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