Monday, October 11, 2010

Comedy Scientists Find Upper Parodic Threshold

Teabagger reality now perfectly synchronous with and indistinguishably from broad, mocking teevee cartoons.


justme said...

And Pammykins gets a profile write up in the Paper of Record.

Every time I think I've seen Peak Wingnut I am horribly, shamefully disappointed. Somewhere from the depths emerge fresh chancres on our society, oozing their toxic, purulent ichor.

The current crop of tea-stained Senatorial hopefuls is mind boggling. Not only that they have managed to become candidates, but that some of them are going to win.


Anonymous said...

Yes. It has become increasingly difficult to out-crazy the crazy, and my margins are shrinking daily.

But I'm not going to worry about that today. Jesus has created a beautiful blue sky for us today and I have a parade to attend! GIL!!! PTH!!!

Now, if I can just find my Waffen SS uniform....

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