Film at 11.
From Joe Klein, Time Magazine, 10/14/2010:
But Christine O'Donnell is not like that. She is attractive, to some, because she doesn't know anything. She couldn't name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with, not even Roe v. Wade. There is no way she could ever be confused with a member of the elites; there is no way she could be confused with an above average high school student. Her ignorance, therefore, makes her authentic--the holy grail of latter-day American politics: she's a real person, not like those phony politicians. In that sense, she--and the lifeboat filled with other Tea Party know-nothings--follow in the wake of our leading exemplar of ignorant authenticity, Sarah Palin (who seems every bit as unaware of public policy--she certainly never talks about it--as she was when a desperate and petulant John McCain chose her to be his running mate).
There is something profoundly diseased about a society that idolizes its ignoramuses and disdains its experts. It is a society that no longer takes itself seriously.
From "Jubal Harshaw" in "Stranger in a Strange Land", 1961:
Religion is a solace to many people and it is even conceivable that some religion, somewhere, really is Ultimate Truth. But in many cases, being religious is merely a form of conceit. The Bible Belt faith in which I was brought up encouraged me to think that I was better than the rest of the world; I was 'saved' and they were 'damned' — we were in a state of grace and the rest of the world were 'heathens' and by 'heathen' they meant such people as our brother Mahmoud.
It meant that an ignorant, stupid lout who seldom bathed and planted his corn by the phase of the Moon could claim to know the final answers of the Universe. That entitled him to look down his nose at everybody else. Our hymn book was loaded with such arrogance — mindless, conceited, self-congratulation on how cozy we were with the Almighty and what a high opinion he had of us and us alone, and what hell everybody else was going to catch come Judgment Day
From Samuel Johnson, "The Patriot", 1774:
A man sometimes starts up a patriot, only by disseminating discontent, and propagating reports of secret influence, of dangerous counsels, of violated rights, and encroaching usurpation.
This practice is no certain note of patriotism. To instigate the populace with rage beyond the provocation, is to suspend publick happiness, if not to destroy it. He is no lover of his country, that unnecessarily disturbs its peace. Few errours and few faults of government, can justify an appeal to the rabble; who ought not to judge of what they cannot understand, and whose opinions are not propagated by reason, but caught by contagion.
More on this fast-breaking story as it develops...
And, for no extra charge, a little extra "Stranger in a Strange Land" goodness...
Jubal: "You're bitching about friendly fornication — do you know what I'm worried about?"
Ben Caxton: "What?"
Jubal: "Christ was crucified for preaching without a police permit. Sweat over that, instead!"
Thanks for quoting Jubal, Dg.
Fine. Fine. Fine.
Not to mention Sam.
Great thoughts . . . .
The conceit of those unschooled "Constitutional" scholars.
this is good stuff drifty. great googly moogly, joke line is moving away from this madness...after his enthusiastic support of little boots...or is it just because sarah lite doesn't have the pedigree of the bushies
these are interesting times
"There is something profoundly diseased about a society that idolizes its ignoramuses and disdains its experts. It is a society that no longer takes itself seriously."
You know what really bothers me about this paragraph? I'm willing to bet that damn few socieites in human history have TAKEN THEMSELVES more seriously than this one. Whether we actually ARE serious or not (we're not), holy CRAP do we take ourselves seriously. Our conservative "firends" have never been more serious about believeing that "last best hope of man on earth" business, even if they don't think they should ahve to get up off the couch to do anything about it.
Rick Massimo
Great post Drifty!!!
the sam adams quote is . . . enchanting: has driftglass taken a "Burkian" turn?
Samuel *Johnson* --- wow, am I ever the asshole, sorry
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