American economy be destroyed, jobs obliterated, citizens enslaved.
From Marketplace Public Radio:
Greenspan: Let Bush-era tax cuts expire
Congressmen of both parties are debating whether to end or extend the Bush-era tax cuts, but for former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the answer is clear: Let the Bush cuts run their course and raise taxes, so the government can get a handle on the deficit.
Alan Greenspan: worse than 11 George Soroses.
Shorter Greenspan - "I meant to do that" [in a Pee-Wee Herman kinda voice].
That image ranks with the most shocking creepy hilarious sidelong eye-exploding spit-takes ever. Good on ya, Driftglass, that's some serious graphic savvy. - ok
After spending months seeing various comments that begin with.."Obama lost me when..". I have to say that I will join the ranks of those, when and if he allows the tax cuts for the rich, that cost us $1.3 trillion (a sum amazingly close to the deficit, cost of the Iraq war ect...)to continue.
I don't really know who he will have lost me to...but...
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