Thursday, September 30, 2010

In a World...

Since everything else has gone kerflooey (sorry about the potty-mouth), I have begun trying my hand -- or uvula -- at freelance voice-over work. According to the glossy brochures, not only is there ample federal funding available for worker retraining in this fast-growing, in-demand field, but the VO (as we say in the trade) profession can be both a "spine-tingling thrill-ride" and "a feel-good adventure for the whole family".

However, to be honest, thus far, I've only made a few bucks freelancing.

Well, not exactly freelancing.

More like on-spec.

Well, not exactly on-spec.

More like busking.

Well, not exactly busking.

More like following people around my neighborhood as they walk their dogs, intoning "In a world where Man has been reduced to picking up the poop of Beasts..." until they pay me to go away.

Thus far I've racked up $7.80, a half a cruller and a restraining order.

Another half-cruller and I qualify for union membership (which, as I understand it, in addition to having many professional benefits that I would be crazy not to take advantage of [such as Full Dental, Vision, and Not Getting Your Jaw Broken as a Dirty, Dirty Scab] is also the Last. Best. Hope. For. Humanity.



Anonymous said...

Damn, this economy sucks.

daver said...

Actually, not a bad idea at all for picking up a few bucks. Using the assets that people will pay for. (Everyone's right: you really do have a great voice.... And the is a market out there.)

It could even eventually get you enough attention that people will appreciate your other substantial talents.

Only drawback, of course: the majority of the work is in commercials. Avoid what sludge you can.

StringonaStick said...

Fabulous idea; when I listened to your first podcast I was struck by what a great voice you have. Peter Coyote has made quite the career of it, and most of his work is now non-commerical so you can get past the commercial phase...

Anonymous said...

dood, ya got the pipes, now make 'em pay! You got the skillz (yo).

Didn't LwrMHttnite work close to the trade, as well?

If anyone should be pursuing this, it's without a doubt you, sir.

buenos suerte'!

Anonymous said...

Don LaFontaine lives!!!

(One maan... one dream... one deSIre....)

Anyways good luck DG you do have a great voice -

RossK said...

I dunno.

Maybe if it was a full cruller and half a restraining order?

As for the $7.80?

Well, that's nothin' to sneeze at.

Me, I bring the kids....Because, in a world where everybody's a Fagan now, that's the new ticket to ride.


Comrade PhysioProf said...

Thanks for posting that trailer! I needed a laugh today!