Monday, August 30, 2010

Whoric Goldwinger


The day when he can no longer get rich lying to dolts, is the day Mr. Beck will scurry off to the next scam.

Because some scales

will never fall from his eyes.


Roket said...

Coming to a theater near you. Glenn Beck as Whoric Goldfinger with Sarah Palin as Odd Job.

"When she starts wearing hats, we'll know for sure."

Anonymous said...

I remember when fat, stupid, evil, greedy, racist assholes were memorable movie villians, not forgetable television heros. Eh, maybe I'm too damn old.

darkblack said...

It really is as simple as all this.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what Beck is going to do when the gold bubble bursts?
His thralls may be forced to see him in a different light when their collection of shiny apocalypse currency takes a big dump like it did a few decades ago.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that that time may be coming very in the next few months...or when the tax cuts for the very very rich expire. Cant be paying those nasty capital gains taxes.

deering said...

My moms and I were re-watching A FACE IN THE CROWD, and she wondered why Beck and Rush's Lonesome-Rhodes- meltdown-moment is taking so dern long to happen.

Esteev said...

Darkblack, that link scared the shit out of me.

Will we never be free of this religious nonsense? Will someone always be the Messiah and another be the Antichrist?

What if, and this is going to sound crazy, what if we got together as Americans and actually changed this country for the better. But without religion because, unlike what Beck's Morons think, our founding fathers separated church and state.