Friday, August 20, 2010


It had it coming.

For those of you unfamiliar with the "Friedman Unit", this from Wikipedia:

The Friedman, or Friedman Unit (F.U.), is a tongue-in-cheek neologism coined by blogger Atrios (Duncan Black) on May 21, 2006.[1]

A Friedman is a unit of time equal to six months in the future. The Huffington Post cited it as the "Best New Phrase" of 2006.[9]

The term is in reference to a May 16, 2006 article by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) detailing columnist Thomas Friedman's repeated use[10] of "the next six months" as the period in which, according to Friedman, "we're going to find out...whether a decent outcome is possible" in the Iraq War.

Goodbye forever.


mbarnato said...

Drive a stake through its heart -- oh wait, no heart. Chop its head off, just to be sure.

Gay Veteran said...

over 4000 dead Americans
over $TRILLION spent (to date)
over 100,000 dead Iraqis


Monster from the Id said...

Oh, the elite achieved their foremost war goal: the transference of those trillions GV mentioned from that eternal victim, the non-elite US taxpayer, into the pockets of the elite.

Mission Accomplished.

Ancient Rome 2.0 slouches on toward oblivion.

libhom said...

Errrrmmmmmm...we are still in Iraq with 50,000 combat troops (all troops in a military occupation are combat troops) and over 100,000 mercenaries.