Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Notorious R.O.D. Walks on all but 1

little rod
Promises to devote himself to tireless "search for the real corrupt governor."

Sarah Palin reportedly furious at temporary interruption in unremitting coverage of her every vagrant thought caused by Blago reportage. Demands America return to a Facebookocracy as Founders and Jesus intended.


D. said...

Ah. That explains why CNN had a Breaking News slug with Blagojevich tried on 24 counts of corruption and Verdict Reached and Wolf Blitzer was tap dancing like Bill Robinson around what the verdict had been.

One hopes he'll at least have to do time, but one will be surprised if that happens.

Melvin said...

what is he supposed to be? Someone with Down Syndrome?

Anonymous said...

The world-famous angry baby (http://raywert.tumblr.com/post/426547338/angry-baby-collage) with Blago hair.
Know your internet traditions.

Melvin said...

woops, my bad
and my apologies