Friday, August 06, 2010

The Acting President

Explains the political realities of public Presidential endorsements on gay rights issues.

As those realities existed in the 90s.

But the 90s are long over, those realities have radically changed, and the real President of the United States needs to quit watching re-runs of "The West Wing".


Anonymous said...

I wish more liberals would trash the Reagan legacy like this. Carter was a better president and a better man. Job growth under Carter was better than during the nonexistent Reagan Boom.

hp said...

Dear Anon: But the Republicans are better at lying.

Kathy said...

hp: And that is another important factor in the equation: People WANT to be lied to, they LOVE lies, they cling to them.

I decided that when I was 16 or so: long time ago. People preferred Regan's really STUPID lies to Carter's truths. Ditto Bush's "hate us for our freedoms" popular lie as opposed to the obvious truth that we provoked the 9/11 attacks with 50 years of horrible, murderous mid-east policies and actions.

Liberals aren't exempt: I wanted to believe Obama's soaring rhetoric ... there was that little FISA vote, though, like a warning rattle. And WHAT a snake he's turned out to be, alas!

lostnacfgop said...

yeah, and lighten up on "West Wing" already. It was about the only thing that got me through 2001-2005. For that, I will be forever grateful.