Monday, July 12, 2010

Gotta Get Me

One of those punch-proof teevees.

Moments ago on the Rachel Maddow Show, Jonathan Alter allowed as how the Republican Party has been completely taken over by scumbag liars and outright lunatics who are also so amazingly fuckstick stupid that they're publicly tripping over their own dicks in a race to see who can sell out the country first.

Alter then wonders if it will make any difference at all, because (and I quote):
"Who will tell the people?"

Yes, John; that is quite a conundrum.

If only we had some kind of large, well-funded national institutions with specific, constitutionally-protected charters to, y'know, bring Vital Issues and Information to the attention of The People.

If only...

If only...


sammie128 said...

OMG, I was watching and I thought the same thing as I screamed at my TV, "YOU, you fekkin' moron!"

Serving Patriot said...

"But... but... but...

...then I might lose my gig as a well paid television pundit.

I mean, no one is allowed to speak any real truth or facts on the TV!

And besides, we leave that messy truthtelling to silly wags on the internets, to guys like the so-called Driftglass!"



Gay Veteran said...

sometimes the truth slips out

several months ago Obermann pointed out the evils of our modern korporations