Friday, May 21, 2010

...The Podcast Tolls For Thee

Ya gotta have faith, faith, faith...

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Blind Trust and Teabagger Faith.

May 20, 2010

Driftglass and Blue Gal talk about music; can a song be too old to be cool? In our main event, can Driftglass trust a Chicago Democratic politician who changed her position, and now says Cook County is too broke to allow for a tax cut?Faith and trust in politicians is often an anathma to good government. The Tea Party has more faith in Sarah Palin than in their own eyesight. But what if you can't judge whether someone is lying or not? Finally, DG/BG remind themselves that The Tea Party Movement is actually a wholly-owned subsidiary of FOX news, and was predicted by Frank Capra's "Meet John Doe." Plus, it's time to slam David Brooks again. You'll love it, unless you're David Brooks.

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Can you imagine
What I would do
If I could do
All I can?
-- Sun Tzu


Anonymous said...

hi darlin - anyone ever had even a peek of david brooks ass ? all covered up in the baggy suit - he always looks ashamed - i know we have to pick on him - i know we cannot let him lie - but he's surely not as slithery as geo.f. will - maybe it's the hair thing - all that thatch - my daddy said grass doesn't grow on a busy street - never trust a man with too much hair - can't we hate gfw more than db?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I think we can hate both.

Kathy said...

My Daddy said "Never trust a man who thinks farting is funny". Now conservatives may not be exactly amused by farts; the more intellectual ones (Brooks, J. Goldberg) use them for their columns.

Jason said...

hmmm...I will admit to having a juvenile sense of humor at times. I love a good fart. Hell George Carlin loved them fart jokes. I'm sure conservatives can't be labeled as fart joke lovers. The jokes may just be too sophisticated for them.