Saturday, May 01, 2010

I Haven't Watched Him in Years

So having just seen him pave the White House Correspondents' Dinner wall-to-wall with ancient Borscht Belt Stinkum, I guess I had sorta forgotten how screamingly unfunny Jay Leno really is.

It was half, creaking, awful mother-in-law, lawyers-are-bad, Gee-ain't-Sarah-Palin-dumb anti-humor schtick

and half doing what David Gregory already does poorly every Sunday: showing one video after another and going "Huh! Huh!".

A quarter of the way through, all I could think was: "Is this guy being paid to take a dive?"

Halfway through all I could think was: "No, nobody could pretend to be this bad. Subtle as a steam hammer. Funny as a sewer collapse. Our Crown Prince of American mass media comedy really is just plain fucking dreadful."

Je-sus. People really laugh at this boiled gray tripe?

Next year, if I could have just one Big White House Correspondents' Dinner Comedy Wish...


StonyPillow said...

Leno was appropriate for the audience. But there are more fitting forms of amusement, if you have but one Big White House Correspondents' Dinner Comedy Wish...

Anonymous said...

The dog is the only one who could come close to measuring up to Colbert. I dont think they will ever have anyone top it...

Jill said...

This means next year they'll forget and bring on something money. I'm hoping for Marc Maron, myself, though he seems to be leaving political comedy alone these days.

Putting the spectacularly unfunny Jay Leno on was the Rich Little move that they had to do following Wanda Sykes last year (whom I think was just dandy, though I wish she'd done her "fuckin' in the White House" bit and really brought the room to total silence). They bring on someone edgy and funny, then they pearl-clutch and bring on someone safe but awful next year.

I'm also waiting for the predictable wingnut tut-tutting about the Obamas wining and dining while the Gulf coast is ruined. Of course they'd whine about the Obamas being killjoys if it'd been cancelled.

Myrtle June said...

Oh come on..... he was way worse than that! You're too kind drifty.

Yes, my vote for the doggie too. If only.

I thought it was funny that mika and joe showed up for the morning show in their dinner costumes though.