Friday, April 23, 2010

Just Trying Out

Some new family crest material.

Also, attention Stephanie Miller Show producers.

I listened to the thunderbolt-lobbing Rep. Alan Grayson on your show today, and was delighted to hear that chatting with him will now be a regular feature. However, the naming contest for the segment was less than inspiring. Sure "Gray Matter(s)" would be terrif if you're program were framed by cellos and flute and led into Teri Gross talking with the ghost of Spaulding Gray. And "Gabbin' With Alan" (or some variation of that) would be a perfect fit if you were shooting the shit with Bob Collins and Mal Bellairs at 5:00 between the hog reports and ads for Chock-Full-O-Nuts coffee.

But if you need something reflective of your guest, your demographic and your format, you need to call it "Crockpunch!".

I know.

And you're welcome.


Rev.Paperboy said...

Hey, she has the Rude Pundit on every week - I see no reason not to have a Monday morning coming down with Driftglass every week as well!

and "Crockpunch" ---well, that's just frickin' genius.

bill said...

"Crockpunch"? Hell no. As long as we're dreaming, just drop the damn "r".

Kathy said...

How about "Kick-Ass"?