Saturday, April 10, 2010

I May Just Be

An Unfrozen Caveman Blogger, ignorant of the ways of modern, Big City Feminism, but it sure as Hell sounds to me like Taylor Marsh has put her foot in it again here, suggesting that if, say, Shirley Chisholm had perhaps changed her slogan from "Unbought & Unbossed"

to, say, "Tits-A-Poppin'!", she could have changed the course of mighty political rivers.

Then again, I am only a man, and therefore doomed to walk the Earth sloshing around top-full of patriarchy stupid juice.

1 comment:

tsisageya said...

Then again, I am only a man, and therefore doomed to walk the Earth sloshing around top-full of patriarchy stupid juice.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.