Friday, April 23, 2010

Driftglass and Blue Gal's Friday Podcast


Strategy without tactics
Is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy
Is the noise before defeat.
-- Sun Tzu


Cirze said...

Why do I always read that title as "godcast?"

Love you guys,


steeve said...

The republican message to small business is this:

1) cap and trade doesn't exist, and it's great. Don't let it get worse.

2) tax cuts currently exist, and they're great. Don't let it get worse.

3) unions currently are weak, and it's great. Don't let it get worse.

4) markets are currently deregulated, and it's great. Don't let it get worse.

In other words, the republican message is that the economy is fantastic right now, and was fantastic in 2008. They have nothing to say about what to do differently. They only talk about what not to do.

If small business owners can't see the disconnect here, then they deserve to go under.

Mister Roboto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mister Roboto said...

You might find this post at and the ensuing comment-thread of interest.

The Fool said...

Dear Drifty:

I've commented several times in the past about how great your writing is. Well, at the risk of sounding like a pathetic fanboy, I just listened to my first podcast and you all were great. You sounded like seasoned radio veterans and you, in particular, have an excellent radio voice. In part I think that may be due to technology. It sounds like Blue Gal could use a little more reverb in her mike.

But the bottom line is you all are great and I can't believe you don't have your own show and/or column somewhere.

The Fool said...

I've now gotten to the end of your podcast and I, for one, would buy one of your t-shirts for, I don't know, maybe $15-20.