Friday, March 19, 2010

Tom Waits Friday Wants You

To squeeze all the life you can
out of your lousy two day pass ;-)

"Shore Leave" --
Well with buck shot eyes and a Purple Heart
I rolled down the national stroll
And with a big fat paycheck
Strapped to my hip sack
And a shore leave wristwatch underneath my sleeve
In a Hong Kong drizzle on Cuban heels
I rowed down the gutter to the Blood Bank
And I'd left all my papers on the Ticonderoga
And was in a bad need of a shave
And so I slopped at the corner on cold chow mein
And shot billiards with a midget
Until the rain stopped
And I bought a long sleeved shirt
With horses on the front
And some gum and a lighter and a knife
And a new deck of cards with girls on the back
And I sat down and wrote a letter to my wife

1 comment:

Cirze said...

Tories are always involved.

Since William F. Buckeley imbued that word with significance discernible only to befuddled rightwingnuts.

And Bobo obviously doesn't even "write" his columns anymore as some intern (boy, I'm guessing as he's a Rethug) has been given the scissors and paste.

Of course, Bobo fucking well knows the truth; he just cant bear the way he looks when it stares back out at him from the mirror in all its wretched, horrifying glory.

Brilliant dissection, Dg, and thanks for the Gilly diamonds.

But as the guy said, "You can call me a bastard as much as you like as long as I get the money at the end of the day."