All wrong.
Reading? Writing? Re-writing? Research? Thinkin'?
If you want to leave your footprints upon the sands of time, next time just fire up a fizzy FaceBook page about celebrities you've almost never met, and whose self-inflicted fall from grace is the empty scrim onto which you can project your innermost desires (h/t Beachwood Reporter.)
Or Desirees.
From the Chicago Tribune:
Desiree Rogers has lots of friends on Facebook
"Devastated" when Chicagoan Desiree Rogers stepped down as White House social secretary, blogger Monica Mingo of Montgomery County, Md., started an online support group to mark the departure of a woman she regards as smart, elegant, accomplished and more.
"She is flyness — the epitome of flyness," Mingo, 40, judges.
Within minutes of Rogers' "astonishing" resignation Friday, Mingo and a friend created a Facebook group, "Toast to Ms. Desiree Rogers, White House Social Secretary."
It had 225 members as of Wednesday night.
Mingo has never met Rogers — she saw her once at a trendy restaurant in Georgetown — but laments that too few women of color are lauded for entertaining or interior decorating, naming B. Smith and Sheila Bridges as exceptions.
No one should lose to much sleep over the fate of Ms. Rogers.
Everyone in Chicago knows she's in the Club and, for the rest of her life, she will never want for a hundred, wonderful options from which to choose.
You're not familiar with the Club?
Well then, I guess you're not in it.
We need our own club.
(personally, I'm going to start a church.)
I'd like to be on the board of that club/church, Mahakal.
No one deserved that fundraiser more than you, Dg.
Keep that list of countries current.
Suzan: Ok. Can you read any Hebrew (or Sanskrit)?
שכינה שוע
Shekinah Shiva
The Holy Church (THC)
Church of Christ Cannabist
אם שנתי
ברוך אתה יהוה אלוהינו מלך העולם בורא פרח קנה־בשם העץ חיים
ברוך אתה יהוה אלוהינו מלכה השלום אם פרח
קנה־בשם העץ חיים
מהכאל ישוע המשיח
You're calling me out now. I sat through a Hebrew course with a friend who was preparing for his bar mitzvah on a couple of Saturdays during the 50's - his parents thought a friend's attendance would encourage him to study (you can imagine how much I remember), so, uh, no.
And in the mid-80's I signed up for a sanskrit course at an ashram in NY that only met once - much to my chagrin.
I was entranced at the different alphabets.
I do have a bhagavad gita that I know many of the prayers by heart from.
I know I don't really qualify for a church position - I just wanted the tax break.
Confidential Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth:
I am the seven Vedic fire rituals, I am the five daily acts of sacrifice, I am the oblations offered to the departed ancestors, I am the healing herb;
(bhagavad gita 9:16)
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