Friday, March 05, 2010

Fundraiser Ends

A nation rejoices.

With contributions and incredibly kind words -- mostly from strangers -- from 20 states and six exotic foreign lands (full disclosure, Texas: I'm counting you in both categories) by my lights, this experiment was an unqualified and humbling success. And an experience for which

I am profoundly grateful.

I'll be moving the PayPal button to the sidebar soon so that anytime anyone feels the need to send a few of their munnies to a sunny, well-run Dollar Farm upstate, where their dough will happily gambol and play with other currencies, will have the opportunity to do so, day or night. Also too, unless I can hock the swag I plundered from my sticky-fingered strafing run through a brace of Oscar Gift Suites for enough scratch to keep the wolf from the door, I'll probably be doing this again next quarter.

Does this mean I'm going to be working even harder?

Of course not.

What does it mean?

Two words: Kitteh Botox.

Two more words: Single malt.

Two more words: David Mamet (with whom I am trying to negotiate a complicated deal to buy a box of his used adjectives.)

And, of course, the two most important words of all.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.


Diva said...

Single malt. Now you're talkin'

Fran / Blue Gal said...

This was so overdue. You are the proverbial laborer who is worthy of his hire.

And if you need any more proverbs I got more of those than I do dollahs, and my proverbs are always yours.


word verification = drill

mahakal said...

Keep that button there. Once I can pay my rent and utilities, you're on the list. And if I can't pay you in dollars right now, at least I can keep paying you the respect you so well deserve for all your tireless work.

Phil said...

Glad to hear it was a success.
Now get to typin'!
Seriously though, it was way overdue dude and although it wasn't much, it was worth every penny.
Keep up the good work my man.

Anonymous said...

Hope it helps. I was going to give more, but one of us was just going to waste it on hookers and gin.

Apparently, you prefer single malt...

double nickel said...

Making my modest contribution was the easiest decision I had to make all week.

Serving Patriot said...

Happy to support one of the best. In fact, my paltry contribution was far better spend on you Drifty than that rag of a national paper that plops onto my driveway each morning.


triozyg said...

like double nickel there was no contest -- I saw the button and hit it

when you first started blogging I first started reading, so I've been waiting for this for quite a while

Unknown said...

If you can promise that the single malt is a bottle of Laphroaig, there's another forty for you. otherwise, see you next quarter.

Comrade PhysioProf said...

I'm pretty sure I forgot to attach this stipulation to my coin flip, but I insist that you devote my kick to motherfucking booze.

Rev.Paperboy said...

What double nickle and Comrade PhysioProf said, that goes double for me.

Anonymous said...

I wish I coulda given more, but they got this depression on, and I got to do for me and mine.

By the way, if not too gauche a question, how much swag did you collect?

skunqesh said...

all i can say iz..

that DJ made my day


driftglass said...

Anonymous Beta,

A gentleman never tells.