Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HCR Face

"Can't you see what we're becoming, Tony Markos?
We're losers.
We're not winners, we're losers."
-- Elvira Hamsher

Because after I saw this elegant visual summary from the Guys From Area 51, really, how could I not?


Unknown said...

Are you taking a side here? Siding with Markos that Kucinich should cave and we should accept the scraps the corporate whores let us eat, or siding with Jane that Kucinich should keep his promises?

Or is this just a friendly molotov cocktail thrown into the progressive blogosphere for kicks?

Nice postcard of the bobbie and herd of sheep, by the way. Thank you. It seems particularly apt at this moment.

Regards, John

driftglass said...

My Molotovs bring all the boys to the yard.
Also too I just hate it when mommy and daddy fight.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Way to go Jane and Markos, you've just become self important punks.

Cirze said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Dg, as I never go there anymore.

At least they are still somewhat creative as it's the first time I've seen the word primary equated to the "f" word - and made into a verb!

What will they do next?


Roket said...

Battle of the big giant heads, see ego.

Anonymous said...