Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Grifter Politician Charges Rubes $100K


To hear her whine about grifter politicians ripping off rubes.

From Rumproast:

Palin Sure can Pick ‘em - Tea Party Convention Shaping up to be Epic Fail

Given the choice* of speaking at CPAC 2010 (for no remuneration) or at the National Tea Party Convention (for beaucoup bucks - yay!) guess which one the Frosty Grifter picked? Why, you betcha! That hefty speaking fee, reportedly $100k, convinced our Sarah that the Tea Party Convention was a much more worthwhile organization with which to align herself. Well, luckily she apparently got half that fee up front cause the rest of it’s looking a little shaky these days.

Even FauxNews is admitting the Convention is in trouble.

The first National Tea Party Convention is slated for the end of this week, but several big names and events have cancelled after questions rose about the high fees to attend and the treasure chest where the money will end up.

Over the past few weeks, several sponsors, speakers and volunteers have backed out of the convention, scheduled Feb. 4-6 at Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tenn., after learning that the convention organizer, Tea Party Nation, is a for-profit company. Some activists and outsiders alike are questioning the motives of Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips.


In other news, Irony was rushed to an area hospital today and is reported to be in "Very Critical" condition.


Jezebel said...

Luckily Rahm Emanuel apparently used the word 'retard' once at some point in the world, which as we all know is a direct personal insult to Trig, so Sarah has a very noble cause to fight for instead of dealing with that icky ethical convention stuff. Because the kids are off limits!

Anonymous said...

Gee, I hope she doesn't have to sue for the other half of her entitlement.

Anonymous said...

holy fuck on that fotoshop!

Degringolade said...

Just found your blog through "Onery Bastard". I am both jealous and impressed.

Keep up the good fight