Saturday, December 19, 2009

First They Came For The Demagogues

As regular media consumers know, Laura Ingraham (above, right) is one of those untouchable Elect of the Calumniati (tm driftglass) who -- for reasons that passeth all understanding -- are allowed to glide unchallenged back and forth between their day jobs as Hate Media gorgons, and their sometimes-weekend gigs as Honored Members of the Media Peerage at the

Sunday Morning Mouse Circus, where their media compatriots very politely agree not to mention to the viewers that they spend most of their time as one of Rupert Murdochs' lie-spewing hellbeasts.

This is known as "j-o-u-r-n-a-l-i-s-m".

And since Ms. Ingraham's has decided to use her privileged media position to launch into a breathtakingly offensive debasement of the "First they came ..." poem (usually attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller's, about the round up and murder of the Jews in Nazi Germany) into an yet other paranoid, self-pitying Hate Media paean to the Republican Party base ("First they can for the rich..."), I thought I would return the favor by using my privileged position as virtually invisible potty-mouthed blogger to give Ms. Ingraham a peek through the other end of her wingnut telescope.

First they came for the bigots, and I did not speak out because my cousin had a gay friend, and there's a black guy in my office;

Then they came for the oligarchs and fascists, and I did not speak out because I'm broke and brown makes my ass look fat;

Then they came for the theocrats, and I did not speak out because, Jeez, those people are just friggin scary;

Finally they came for me and the other eleven people left in the Conservative Movement — and there was no one left to speak out for us.

And America lived happily ever after.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

she didn't even construct the format of the poem similarly.

But really, starting it with "first they came for the rich" really did expose her primary concern, didn't it?

I think, though, I prefer your stiletto jab to Stewart's broadside. It is evidence that there is no real justice in the world that your post did not leave a mark on the blond droid-caster.

knowdoubt said...

Wow man, That is really awesome, it gave me cold chills, except the last part, "...and America lived happily ever after." We know that's not true because they would certainly destroy the planet and there it is, the problem.

Distributorcap said...

somehow i doubt morning schmoe or david drudgery actually look that good

jim said...

What do you wacky libs have against Laura "Outstanding Joseph Goebbels Institute Honors Graduate, Class Of 1984" Ingraham, anyway?

Gee ... you have ONE little career saying idiotic offensive nonsense, & suddenly everyone calls you a nonsensical offensive idiot!

Blogs are the Einsatzgruppen of Liberal Fascism!

Serving Patriot said...

Elect of the Camumniati

DG, you've made my day with that one!